New projects:
- cl-base16 — Common Lisp implementation of base16 — GPLv2
- cl-bcrypt — Common Lisp system for generating and parsing of bcrypt password hashes — BSD 2-Clause
- cl-getx — This is a naive, persisted, in memory (lazy loading) data store for Common Lisp. — MIT
- cl-indentify — A code beautifier for Common Lisp. — MIT
- cl-kaputt — A Simple Interactive Test Framework for Common Lisp — MIT
- cl-mango — A minimalist CouchDB 2.x database client. — BSD3
- cl-minify-css — To minify css with common lisp. — GPLv3
- cl-rfc4251 — Common Lisp library for encoding and decoding data in RFC 4251 compliant format — BSD 2-Clause
- cl-setlocale — FFI to setlocale and ncurses locale helper — 2-clause BSD
- cl-ssh-keys — Common Lisp system for generating and parsing of OpenSSH keys — BSD 2-Clause
- cl-wave-file-writer — A wave file writer — MIT
- class-options — Provides easy access to the defining class and its options during initialization. — Unlicense
- compatible-metaclasses — Validates superclasses according to a simple substitution model, thereby greatly simplifying the definition of class mixins. — Unlicense
- enhanced-find-class — Provides a canonical way of converting class designators to classes. — Unlicense
- evaled-when — Provides a way of extracting and replicating the compile-time side-effects of forms. — Unlicense
- file-attributes — Access to file attributes (uid, gid, atime, mtime, mod) — zlib
- gadgets — Ben McGunigle's utility collection — Apache License, version 2.0
- gooptest — A microcontroller testing framework. — GPL-3.0
- kekule-clj — A Kekule widget for Common Lisp Jupyter — MIT
- magicffi — cffi interface to libmagic(3) — Simplified BSD License
- math —это математическая библиотека, реализующая некоторые алгоритмы: - линейной алгебры; - операций работы с матрицами; - статистические функции; - линейной и билинейной интерполяции; - нахождения приближающих многочленов, реализованная на Common Lisp — GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 or later
- messagebox — A library to show a native message box dialog. — zlib
- metalock — A metaclass that makes building parallel systems easier by providing each slot within a class a lock which is grabbed automatically. — MIT
- nbd — Network Block Device server library. — MIT
- object-class — Ensures that special subclasses of standard-object cluster right in front of standard-object in the class precedence list. — Unlicense
- picl — Python Itertools in Common Lisp — MIT
- pkg-doc — View package documentation in a clim-treeview — BSD Simplified
- py4cl2 — Some improvements over py4cl — MIT
- shasht — JSON reading and writing for the Kzinti. — MIT
- simple-guess — Defines a simple extensible protocol for computing a guess using advisors. — Unlicense
- trivial-do — Looping extensions that follow the style of the core DO functions. — MIT
- uncursed — Another TUI library, this time without curses. — BSD 3-Clause
- xcat — XCAT mass LAN big file distributor — MIT
- zippy — A fast zip archive library — zlib
Updated projects: 3b-hdr, 3bmd, acclimation, alexandria, algae, anypool, april, atomics, babel, bdef, bst, ci-utils, city-hash, cl-all, cl-aristid, cl-autowrap, cl-base64, cl-bnf, cl-cffi-gtk, cl-collider, cl-conllu, cl-covid19, cl-dot, cl-erlang-term, cl-fix, cl-forms, cl-fuse, cl-gamepad, cl-gserver, cl-html-parse, cl-kraken, cl-liballegro, cl-liballegro-nuklear, cl-markless, cl-migratum, cl-mixed, cl-mpg123, cl-naive-store, cl-patterns, cl-png, cl-pslib, cl-rabbit, cl-readline, cl-redis, cl-renderdoc, cl-rrt, cl-rsvg2, cl-sdl2-ttf, cl-steamworks, cl-stomp, cl-store, cl-str, cl-unification, cl-utils, cl-webkit, cl-zyre, clack-pretend, clast, clawk, clcs-code, climacs, clj, closer-mop, clunit2, com-on,, common-lisp-jupyter, commonqt, croatoan, deploy, diff-match-patch, djula, easy-audio, easy-routes, eazy-process, eclector, eos, exscribe, f2cl, fare-quasiquote, fast-io, file-select, fiveam, flare, flexi-streams, flexichain, float-features, font-discovery, fset, functional-trees, gendl, generic-cl, glacier, glsl-toolkit, golden-utils, gtirb, gtirb-capstone, harmony, hu.dwim.asdf, hu.dwim.delico, hu.dwim.walker, hunchentoot-multi-acceptor, hyperluminal-mem, hyperobject, inferior-shell, inner-conditional, ironclad, jingoh, jonathan, jpeg-turbo, kmrcl, lazy, linear-programming, lisp-binary, lisp-gflags, lispcord, literate-lisp, local-time, log4cl, maiden, markup, mcclim, method-hooks, mgl-pax, modf, mutility, named-readtables, nibbles, nodgui, null-package, opticl, origin, osicat, overlord, paren6, parse, pathname-utils, perceptual-hashes, petalisp, phoe-toolbox, pngload, portable-condition-system, postmodern, protobuf, psychiq, py4cl, quilc, quux-hunchentoot, random-state, read-as-string, replic, roan, rpcq, s-graphviz, sanity-clause, sc-extensions, scalpl, sel, serapeum, shadow, sheeple, shellpool, simple-actors, slime, sly, snooze, stumpwm, sxql, tooter, trace-db, trivia, trivial-arguments, trivial-clipboard, trivial-custom-debugger, trivial-garbage, trivial-gray-streams, trivial-utf-8, trucler, uax-14, umbra, unix-opts, vernacular.
Removed projects: unicly.
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").
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