
June 2017 Quicklisp download stats

Here are the raw download stats for the top 100 projects in Quicklisp for June:

 9081  alexandria
 7797  closer-mop
 7437  split-sequence
 6863  cl-ppcre
 6790  babel
 6498  trivial-features
 6303  iterate
 6222  bordeaux-threads
 6173  anaphora
 6099  trivial-gray-streams
 5522  trivial-garbage
 5367  cffi
 5056  flexi-streams
 4911  nibbles
 4729  let-plus
 4702  usocket
 4592  puri
 4582  cl-base64
 4286  trivial-backtrace
 4181  chipz
 4145  cl+ssl
 4021  cl-fad
 3959  chunga
 3381  drakma
 3292  named-readtables
 3281  ironclad
 3221  more-conditions
 3153  esrap
 3144  local-time
 2928  utilities.print-items
 2587  parse-number
 2439  cl-yacc
 2149  metabang-bind
 2142  cl-unicode
 2131  cl-interpol
 2101  trivial-utf-8
 2084  md5
 2083  fiveam
 2056  asdf-flv
 1930  optima
 1918  lparallel
 1897  log4cl
 1879  slime
 1869  lift
 1854  trivial-indent
 1822  closure-common
 1808  cxml
 1795  array-utils
 1746  plump
 1743  uuid
 1612  bt-semaphore
 1561  trivial-types
 1541  simple-date-time
 1513  cl-clon
 1472  cl-json
 1429  cl-utilities
 1392  architecture.hooks
 1390  quri
 1342  cl-containers
 1340  metatilities-base
 1330  cl-annot
 1319  cl-syntax
 1317  asdf-system-connections
 1291  ieee-floats
 1253  plexippus-xpath
 1113  salza2
 1079  trivial-mimes
 1070  postmodern
 1067  arnesi
 1052  cl-slice
 1050  fare-utils
 1047  fast-io
 1040  static-vectors
 1027  fare-quasiquote
 1015  symbol-munger
 1009  djula
 1007  collectors
 1003  access
  996  gettext
  982  cl-parser-combinators
  980  cl-locale
  925  hunchentoot
  904  cl-sqlite
  896  inferior-shell
  894  fare-mop
  887  prove
  885  rfc2388
  868  cl-log
  865  command-line-arguments
  859  trivia
  858  lisp-namespace
  851  cl-colors
  824  py-configparser
  821  cl-markdown
  821  cl-ansi-text
  821  asdf-finalizers
  820  dynamic-classes
  819  cl-mssql
  818  garbage-pools
  805  cl-abnf

July 2017 Quicklisp dist update now available

New projects:
  • 3bgl-shader — CL-hosted CL-like DSL for generating GLSL — MIT
  • cl-forms — A web forms handling library — MIT
  • cl-ksuid — K-sortable unique identifiers — GPLv3
  • cl-pixman — Low-level pixel manipulation. — LLGPL
  • cl-yesql — Common Lisp library for using SQL. — MIT
  • easy-routes — Yet another routes handling utility on top of Hunchentoot — MIT
  • laap — A Common Lisp multi-threaded event loop. — MIT
  • matplotlib-cl — A 2D Plotting library for Common Lisp using Matplotlib. — MIT
  • oook — Some magic on the shoulders of CLSQL — MIT
  • overlord — Experimental build/module system. — MIT
  • semantic-spinneret — A set of Semantic UI components for use with Spinneret — MIT
  • with-setf — Macros for setting a place for the duration of a scope — Unlicense
  • xlsx — Basic reader for Excel files. — MIT
Updated projects3d-vectorsassoc-utilsceplcl+sslcl-anacl-autowrapcl-dbicl-emojicl-fluent-loggercl-fondcl-hash-utilcl-kanrencl-mixedcl-openglcl-pdfcl-railcl-random-forestcl-ssdbcl-strcl-typesettingcl-webdavclaviercloser-mopclsql-fluidcoleslawcroatoandeedsdexadordoubly-linked-listfemlispflac-parserfs-utilsgamebox-dgengamebox-ecsgamebox-frame-managergamebox-gridsgamebox-mathgenieglkitharmonyhu.dwim.web-serverhu.dwim.zlibhunchentootinfix-mathinquisitorjsonrpckenzolacklakelichat-protocollichat-serverliblichat-tcp-serverlichat-ws-serverlocal-timemaidenmcclimmitomito-authningleparseqpgloaderphysical-quantitiesplumppy-configparserqlotratifyroanrtg-mathrutilssanitized-paramsserapeumsimple-loggersketchspinneretstaplestumpwmtriviawebsocket-driverwoo.

Removed projects: gtfl, s-dot.

gtfl and s-dot are related projects. The website hosting them has disappeared, and the author has not responded to email queries. So they are not in Quicklisp any more.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").



June 2017 Quicklisp dist update now available

New projects:
  • cepl.spaces — Adds abstractions over vector spaces to CEPL — BSD 2 Clause
  • cl-cpus — Get number of CPUs — ISC
  • cl-diskspace — List disks, get disk total/free/usable space information. — ISC
  • cl-fixtures — A simple library to create and use parameterized fixtures — MIT
  • cl-fluent-logger — A structured logger for Fluentd — BSD 3-Clause
  • cl-mixed — Bindings to libmixed, a sound mixing and processing library. — Artistic
  • cl-rail — Unspecified — Unspecified
  • cl-random-forest — Random Forest and Global Refinement for Common Lisp — MIT Licence
  • cl-soloud — Bindings to SoLoud, a multi-platform, multi-backend, minimal dependencies sound mixing and output library — Artistic
  • cl-ssdb — SSDB client for Common Lisp. — MIT
  • cl-threadpool — Implementation of a thread pool — MIT
  • deploy — Tools to aid in the deployment of a fully standalone application. — Artistic
  • doplus — DO+ (doplus) is a high-level, extensible iteration construct for Common Lisp with a reasonably simple implementation, which in particular does not use a code walker. — GPLv3
  • flow — A flowchart and generalised graph library. — Artistic
  • gtk-tagged-streams — Text I/O using streams for GTK text buffers, including tags for styling. — BSD Simplified (2-clause)
  • harmony — A common lisp sound server and sound processing library. — Artistic
  • hu.dwim.zlib — Common Lisp FFI wrapper for zlib, aka http://zlib.net/ — BSD or Bugroff
  • modest-config — A modest config file loader library — MIT
  • nineveh — A library of common gpu functions — BSD 2 Clause
  • papyrus — A Literate Programming Tool — MIT
  • parseq — A parser for sequences such as strings, lists, vectors as well as trees. — GPLv2
  • physical-quantities — Use lisp numbers for physical quantities with unit and error. — GPLv2
  • roan — A library to support change ringing applications, including methods library support — MIT
  • sanitized-params — Sanitizer for parameters — BSD 2-Clause
  • sdl2-game-controller-db — Lets you easily load the lovely sdl2 gamecontroller db into cl-sdl2 — BSD 3 Clause
  • trivial-battery — Getting the battery information — BSD 2-Clause
  • trivial-swank — swank server communications — BSD simplified
  • trivial-wish — Create 'wishes' which are requests to compute something later — BSD 2-clause
Updated projects3d-matrices3d-vectorsarchitecture.builder-protocolarchitecture.service-providerayah-captchacavemancaveman2-widgets-bootstrapceplcepl.cameracepl.devilcepl.sdl2cepl.sdl2-imagecepl.sdl2-ttfcepl.skittercfficl+sslcl-anacl-ansi-termcl-bloomcl-dbicl-emojicl-fondcl-gamepadcl-gistscl-glfw3cl-graphcl-hamlcl-hash-utilcl-jpegcl-monitorscl-mssqlcl-ntp-clientcl-ohmcl-openglcl-out123cl-plplotcl-readlinecl-scsucl-soilcl-strcl-twitterclackclim-widgetscloser-mopclsql-fluidclssclxcroatoancurry-compose-reader-macrosdeedsdendritedirtdocumentation-utilsdoubly-linked-listdrakmaeasingeruditeesrapf2clfare-scriptsfast-httpfast-iofemlispfs-utilsfxmlgamebox-dgengamebox-ecsgamebox-frame-managergamebox-gridsgamebox-mathgettextglawglkitglopglsl-specglsl-toolkithornerhttp-get-cachehu.dwim.asdfhu.dwim.utilhu.dwim.web-serverinquisitoriolibjsonrpcjwacsl-systemlichat-protocollivesupportlog4clmacrodynamicsmaidenmcclimmedia-typesmetatilitiesmitomk-string-metricsopticlparachutepng-readprbsqlotqmyndqtoolsrtg-mathrutilsscalplscriptlsdl2kitserapeumsimple-loggersketchskittersmackjackspinneretstaplestructy-defclassstumpwmthe-cost-of-nothingtmtranslate-clienttrivial-main-threadtrivial-mmaptrivial-shelltrivial-updateuffiumlispunix-optsvarjoweblockswebsocket-driverwhofieldswith-cached-reader-conditionalswooyaclml.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Enjoy!