
October 2024 Quicklisp dist update now available

 New projects: 

  • adp-github — ADP extension to generate github markdown files. — MIT
  • adp-plain — Add Documentation, Please... using plain text. An extension of ADP to generate files with barely additional features. — MIT
  • allioli — Alliolification — MIT
  • alternate-asdf-system-connections — Allows for ASDF system to be connected so that auto-loading may occur. This is a fork of asdf-system-connections and incorporates a load-system-driven mechanism for loading dependencies and also loads the dependencies of the connections. — MIT
  • cbor — CBOR encoder/decoder — MIT
  • charje.documentation — Documentation is an opinionated yet customizable docstring parsing library. — AGPL V3 or any later version
  • chipi — House automation bus in Common Lisp — Apache-2
  • cl-aseprite — Aseprite file format parser — GPLv3
  • cl-astar — A heavily optimized yet flexible A* pathfinding algorithm implementation — MIT
  • cl-ceigen-lite — A Common Lisp wrapper around CEIGEN-LITE - which is itself a C wrapper around the C++ Eigen library. — MIT
  • cl-cf — Computations using continued fractions — GPL-3
  • cl-concord — CONCORD implementation based on Common Lisp — LGPL
  • cl-duckdb — CFFI wrapper around the DuckDB C API — MIT License
  • cl-fastcgi — FastCGI wrapper for Common Lisp — BSD License
  • cl-flx — Rewrite emacs-flx in Common Lisp — MIT
  • cl-frugal-uuid — Common Lisp UUID library with zero dependencies — MIT License
  • cl-gog-galaxy — A wrapper for the GOG Galaxy SDK — zlib
  • cl-lc — List comprehensions — MIT
  • cl-naive-ptrees — Functions to make it easier to work with plist(s) and plist trees. Works with plist(s) pairs as units and not as individual list items. — MIT
  • cl-qoa — An implementation of the Quite Okay Audio format. — zlib
  • cl-reddit — Reddit client api library — BSD
  • cl-resvg — An up-to-date bindings library for the resvg SVG rendering library — zlib
  • cl-trivial-clock — Common Lisp library to get accurate wall-clock times on multiple platforms — MIT License
  • clack-cors — A Clack middleware to set CORS related HTTP headers. — Unlicense
  • clack-prometheus — Clack middleware to serve stats in Prometheus format. — Unlicense
  • clith — Common Lisp wITH macro. A general WITH macro. — MIT
  • clj-arrows — Implements Clojure-styled threading/transformation macros. — MIT
  • clos-encounters — A collection of OOP patterns benefiting from the CLOS MOP. — Unlicense
  • coalton — An efficient, statically typed functional programming language that supercharges Common Lisp. — MIT
  • cocoas — A toolkit library to help deal with CoreFoundation, Cocoa, and objc — zlib
  • com.danielkeogh.graph — A fast an reliable graph library. — MIT
  • fast-mpsc-queue — Multi-Producer Single-Consumer queue implementation. — MIT
  • file-finder — File finder. Enable rapid file search, inspection and manipulation. — GPL3+
  • golden-utils — A utility library. — MIT
  • hiccl — HTML generator for Common Lisp — MIT
  • hsx — Hypertext S-expression — MIT
  • hunchentoot-stuck-connection-monitor — Monitors hunchentoot connections and logs the connections stuck in the same state for a long time (due to slow or inactive clients and network stream timeouts that hunchentoot tries to utilize not working properly). Offers an option to shutdown the stuck connections sockets manually or automatically, thus unblocking the connection threads and preventing thread and socket leak. See https://github.com/edicl/hunchentoot/issues/189 — BSD-2-Clause
  • incless — A portable and extensible Common Lisp printer implementation (core) — BSD
  • inravina — A portable and extensible Common Lisp pretty printer. — MIT
  • invistra — A portable and extensible Common Lisp FORMAT implementation — BSD
  • knx-conn — KNXnet/IP implementation in Common Lisp — GNU GPL, version 3
  • machine-state — Retrieve machine state information about CPU time, memory usage, etc. — zlib
  • myweb — simple web server written in common lisp for educational reasons — LGPLv3
  • noisy — Perlin noise for arbitrary numbers of dimensions. — MIT
  • nontrivial-gray-streams — A compatibility layer for Gray streams including extensions — MIT
  • open-with — Open a file in a suitable external program — zlib
  • openai-openapi-client — Openai API client — AGPLv3+
  • openrpc — CI for Common Lisp OpenRPC library. — BSD
  • parse-number-range — Parses LOOP's convenient "for-as-arithmetic" syntax into 5 simple values: from, to, limit-kind (:inclusive, :exclusive or nil if unbounded), by (step) and direction (+ or -)). Further related utilities are provided. Intended for easy implementation of analogous functionality in other constructs. — Public Domain
  • precise-time — Precise time measurements — zlib
  • pregexp — Portable regular expressions for Common Lisp — MIT-like
  • progressons — Display a progress bar on one line. — MIT
  • quaviver — A portable and extensible floating point string library — MIT
  • quilc — A CLI front-end for the Quil compiler — Apache License 2.0 (See LICENSE.txt)
  • qvm — An implementation of the Quantum Abstract Machine. — Apache License 2.0 (See LICENSE.txt)
  • random-sampling — Functions to generate random samples with various distributions — zlib
  • rs-dlx — Knuth's Algorithm X with dancing links. — Modified BSD License
  • scrapycl — The web scraping framework for writing crawlers in Common Lisp. — Unlicense
  • smoothers — Statistical methods to create approximating functions that attempt to capture important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise or other fine-scale structures/rapid phenomena. — MS-PL
  • trivial-adjust-simple-array — A tiny utility to change array size ensuring it is simple. — MIT
  • trivial-system-loader — A system installation/loading abstraction for Common Lisp — MIT
  • trivial-toplevel-commands — Trivial Toplevel Commands allows to define toplevel commands available on most implementations in a portable fashion. — BSD-3 Clause
  • trivial-toplevel-prompt — Portability library to customize REPL prompts. — BSD-3 Clause
  • utf8-input-stream — A UTF-8 string input stream over a binary stream for Common Lisp — MIT
  • whereiseveryone.command-line-args — Automatically create a command-line-argument parser for a given Common Lisp function definition. — AGPL v3 or any later version

Updated projects: 3b-bmfont, 3bgl-shader, 3bmd, 3d-math, 3d-spaces, 40ants-asdf-system, 40ants-slynk, access, acclimation, action-list, adhoc, adopt, adp, agnostic-lizard, alexandria, alexandria-plus, anatevka, anypool, april, arc-compat, architecture.builder-protocol, array-utils, arrow-macros, assoc-utils, async-process, atomics, auto-restart, aws-sdk-lisp, babel, bdef, bike, binary-structures, binding-arrows, birch, blackbird, bordeaux-threads, calm, carrier, caveman, ccldoc, cephes.cl, cepl, cerberus, cffi, cffi-object, cffi-ops, chanl, chunga, ci, ci-utils, ciao, cl-6502, cl-algebraic-data-type, cl-all, cl-ansi-term, cl-async, cl-atelier, cl-autowrap, cl-base32, cl-bmas, cl-bmp, cl-bnf, cl-brewer, cl-buchberger, cl-cmark, cl-collider, cl-colors2, cl-confidence, cl-containers, cl-cookie, cl-csv, cl-custom-hash-table, cl-cxx-jit, cl-data-structures, cl-dbi, cl-digraph, cl-dot, cl-enchant, cl-environments, cl-fast-ecs, cl-fbx, cl-fluent-logger, cl-form-types, cl-forms, cl-freetype2, cl-gamepad, cl-github-v3, cl-gltf, cl-gobject-introspection, cl-graph, cl-grip, cl-gserver, cl-hamcrest, cl-hash-util, cl-html-readme, cl-i18n, cl-info, cl-ini, cl-ipfs-api2, cl-kanren, cl-lib-helper, cl-liballegro, cl-liballegro-nuklear, cl-log, cl-markless, cl-marshal, cl-migratum, cl-mixed, cl-modio, cl-mount-info, cl-mpg123, cl-mssql, cl-mustache, cl-mysql, cl-neovim, cl-netpbm, cl-oju, cl-opengl, cl-opensearch-query-builder, cl-opus, cl-patterns, cl-plus-ssl-osx-fix, cl-ppcre, cl-project, cl-protobufs, cl-pslib, cl-pslib-barcode, cl-rashell, cl-readline, cl-sat.minisat, cl-sdl2-image, cl-sdl2-mixer, cl-sdl2-ttf, cl-sendgrid, cl-sentry-client, cl-skkserv, cl-smtp, cl-ssh-keys, cl-steamworks, cl-str, cl-svg, cl-telegram-bot, cl-threadpool, cl-tiled, cl-torrents, cl-tqdm, cl-transducers, cl-transit, cl-unicode, cl-unification, cl-unix-sockets, cl-utils, cl-vectors, cl-vorbis, cl-wavefront, cl-webdriver-client, cl-webkit, cl-webmachine, cl-who, clack, clack-pretend, clad, classimp, clast, clath, clavier, clazy, clerk, clgplot, climacs, clingon, clip, clj-con, clj-re, clobber, clog, clog-ace, clog-collection, clog-plotly, clog-terminal, clohost, closer-mop, clss, cluffer, clunit2, clx, cmd, codata-recommended-values, codex, coleslaw, collectors, colored, com-on, common-lisp-jupyter, commondoc-markdown, compiler-macro-notes, conduit-packages, consfigurator, contextl, croatoan, ctype, cytoscape-clj, damn-fast-priority-queue, dartscluuid, data-frame, data-lens, datafly, dbus, decompress, defenum, definer, definitions, deflate, defmain, deploy, depot, deptree, dexador, dissect, djula, dns-client, doc, docs-builder, dsm, dufy, easter-gauss, easy-audio, easy-macros, easy-routes, eclector, equals, erjoalgo-webutil, erudite, esrap, event-emitter, external-program, external-symbol-not-found, fare-csv, fare-scripts, fast-http, fast-websocket, file-attributes, file-notify, file-select, filesystem-utils, fiveam, fiveam-matchers, flexi-streams, float-features, flow, fn, fset, functional-trees, fuzzy-dates, gadgets, generic-cl, github-api-cl, glfw, glsl-toolkit, harmony, hashtrie, helambdap, http2, hunchentoot, imago, in-nomine, inferior-shell, introspect-environment, ironclad, jose, js, json-mop, jsonrpc, jzon, khazern, lack, lass, lemmy-api, letv, lichat-protocol, lichat-tcp-client, linear-programming, lisp-binary, lisp-chat, lisp-critic, lisp-pay, lisp-stat, lispcord, lla, local-time, log4cl-extras, logging, lru-cache, magicl, maiden, maidenhead, manifolds, math, mcclim, memory-regions, messagebox, method-combination-utilities, mgl-pax, misc-extensions, mito, mk-defsystem, mmap, mnas-package, mnas-string, moira, multiposter, mutility, mutils, named-closure, ndebug, neural-classifier, new-op, nibbles, nibbles-streams, ningle, nodgui, north, numerical-utilities, nytpu.lisp-utils, omglib, ook, open-location-code, openapi-generator, orizuru-orm, overlord, papyrus, parachute, parse-number, pathname-utils, petalisp, phos, picl, plot, plump, plump-sexp, pngload, policy-cond, polymorphic-functions, postmodern, ppath, prometheus-gc, psychiq, purgatory, py4cl, py4cl2, py4cl2-cffi, qlot, qoi, query-fs, quick-patch, quickhull, quri, random-state, reblocks, reblocks-auth, reblocks-file-server, reblocks-lass, reblocks-navigation-widget, reblocks-parenscript, reblocks-prometheus, reblocks-typeahead, reblocks-ui, reblocks-websocket, rove, s-dot2, sandalphon.lambda-list, sb-fastcgi, sc-extensions, sel, select, serapeum, shasht, shop3, si-kanren, sketch, slime, slite, sly, snooze, spinneret, staple, static-vectors, statistics, stepster, stmx, stripe, swank-crew, swank-protocol, sxql, symath, system-locale, taglib, teddy, ten, testiere, tfeb-lisp-hax, tfm, tiny-routes, tooter, trivia, trivial-arguments, trivial-clipboard, trivial-file-size, trivial-gray-streams, trivial-main-thread, trivial-octet-streams, trivial-package-locks, trivial-package-manager, trivial-sanitize, trivial-shell, type-templates, typo, uax-15, uiop, usocket, vellum, vellum-binary, vellum-csv, vellum-postmodern, verbose, vernacular, vom, websocket-driver, winhttp, with-branching, with-contexts, woo, xhtmlambda, xml-emitter, yason, zippy, zpb-ttf.

Removed projects: abstract-arrays, ahungry-fleece, cl-cheshire-cat, cl-darksky, cl-epoch, cl-naive-store, convolution-kernel, dense-arrays, extensible-compound-types, extensible-optimizing-coerce, fast-generic-functions, flac-metadata, freebsd-ffi, listoflist, luckless, one-more-re-nightmare, postmodern-localtime, stumpwm-dynamic-float, stumpwm-sndioctl, unicly.

To get this update, use:

 (ql:update-dist "quicklisp")

Sorry this update took so long. My goal is to resume monthly releases.



October 2023 Quicklisp dist update now available

 New projects

  • 3d-math — A library implementing the necessary linear algebra math for 2D and 3D computations — zlib
  • ansi-test-harness — A testing harness that fetches ansi-test and allows subsets and extrinsic systems — MIT
  • babylon — Jürgen Walther's modular, configurable, hybrid knowledge engineering systems framework for Common Lisp, restored from the CMU AI Repository. — MIT
  • calm — CALM - Canvas Aided Lisp Magic — GNU General Public License, version 2
  • cffi-object — A Common Lisp library that enables fast and convenient interoperation with foreign objects. — Apache-2.0
  • cffi-ops — A library that helps write concise CFFI-related code. — Apache-2.0
  • cl-brewer — Provides CI settings for cl-brewer. — Unlicense
  • cl-jwk — Common Lisp system for decoding public JSON Web Keys (JWK) — BSD 2-Clause
  • cl-plus-ssl-osx-fix — A fix for CL+SSL library paths on OSX needed when you have Intel and Arm64 Homebrew installations. Should be loaded before CL+SSL. — Unlicense
  • cl-server-manager — Manage port-based servers (e.g., Swank and Hunchentoot) through a unified interface. — MIT
  • cl-transducers — Ergonomic, efficient data processing. — LGPL-3.0-only
  • cl-transit — Transit library for Common Lisp — MIT
  • clog-collection — A set of CLOG Plugins — MIT
  • clohost — A client library for the Cohost API — zlib
  • deptree — ASDF systems dependency listing and archiving tool for Common Lisp — MIT
  • enhanced-unwind-protect — Provides an enhanced UNWIND-PROTECT that makes it easy to detect whether the protected form performed a non-local exit or returned normally. — Unlicense
  • file-lock — File lock library on POSIX systems — MIT License
  • fmcs — Flavors Meta-Class System (FMCS) for Demonic Metaprogramming in Common Lisp, an alternative to CLOS+MOP, restored from the CMU AI Repository. — MIT
  • fuzzy-dates — A library to fuzzily parse date strings — zlib
  • glfw — An up-to-date bindings library to the most recent GLFW OpenGL context management library — zlib
  • hyperlattices — Generalized Lattice algebraic datatypes, incl., LATTICE, HYPERLATTICE, PROBABILISTIC-LATTICE, and PROBABILISTIC-HYPERLATTICE. — MIT
  • lemmy-api — Most recently generated bindings to the lemmy api — GPLv3
  • manifolds — Various manifold mesh algorithms — zlib
  • mutils — A collection of Common Lisp modules. — MIT
  • ptc — Proper Tail Calls for CL — MIT
  • type-templates — A library for defining and expanding templated functions — zlib

Updated projects: 3bmd, 3d-matrices, 3d-quaternions, 3d-spaces, 3d-transforms, 3d-vectors, 40ants-asdf-system, 40ants-slynk, action-list, adhoc, adp, alexandria, also-alsa, anypool, april, architecture.builder-protocol, array-operations, array-utils, asdf-flv, async-process, atomics, bdef, bike, binary-structures, binding-arrows, bordeaux-threads, bp, bubble-operator-upwards, cari3s, cephes.cl, cffi, chirp, chlorophyll, chunga, ci, cl+ssl, cl-6502, cl-all, cl-async, cl-atelier, cl-autowrap, cl-bcrypt, cl-bmp, cl-change-case, cl-clon, cl-collider, cl-colors2, cl-confidence, cl-containers, cl-cron, cl-data-structures, cl-dbi, cl-digraph, cl-fast-ecs, cl-fbx, cl-flac, cl-forms, cl-gamepad, cl-gists, cl-glib, cl-gltf, cl-gobject-introspection, cl-gobject-introspection-wrapper, cl-gopher, cl-gpio, cl-gserver, cl-hash-util, cl-html-parse, cl-i18n, cl-isaac, cl-jingle, cl-jsonl, cl-k8055, cl-kanren, cl-ktx, cl-lib-helper, cl-liballegro, cl-liballegro-nuklear, cl-markless, cl-marshal, cl-messagepack, cl-migratum, cl-mixed, cl-mlep, cl-modio, cl-moneris, cl-monitors, cl-mount-info, cl-mpg123, cl-naive-store, cl-opus, cl-out123, cl-patterns, cl-pdf, cl-permutation, cl-project, cl-protobufs, cl-pslib, cl-pslib-barcode, cl-rashell, cl-readline, cl-rfc4251, cl-sdl2, cl-sdl2-image, cl-sendgrid, cl-skkserv, cl-soloud, cl-spidev, cl-ssh-keys, cl-steamworks, cl-str, cl-tcod, cl-tiled, cl-tls, cl-utils, cl-veq, cl-voipms, cl-vorbis, cl-wavefront, cl-webkit, cl-webmachine, cl-wol, cl-yxorp, clack, classowary, clingon, clip, clog, closer-mop, clss, clunit2, codex, coleslaw, colored, com-on, common-lisp-jupyter, computable-reals, conduit-packages, croatoan, crypto-shortcuts, ctype, cytoscape-clj, dartsclhashtree, data-frame, data-lens, data-table, datafly, datamuse, decompress, deeds, deferred, definitions, deploy, depot, dexador, dissect, djula, dml, dns-client, doc, documentation-utils, drakma, dynamic-classes, easter-gauss, easy-routes, ecclesia, eclector, enhanced-eval-when, enhanced-multiple-value-bind, erjoalgo-webutil, extensible-compound-types, f2cl, fare-scripts, fast-http, feeder, file-attributes, file-notify, file-select, filesystem-utils, fiveam, fiveam-matchers, flare, float-features, flow, font-discovery, for, form-fiddle, function-cache, functional-trees, gendl, github-api-cl, glsl-toolkit, gtirb-capstone, gtwiwtg, harmony, helambdap, humbler, hunchentoot-errors, iclendar, imago, inkwell, ironclad, journal, json-mop, jsonrpc, jzon, kekule-clj, khazern, lack, lambda-fiddle, language-codes, lass, legion, legit, let-over-lambda, lev, lichat-ldap, lichat-protocol, lichat-serverlib, lichat-tcp-client, lichat-tcp-server, lichat-ws-server, lift, lisp-binary, lisp-critic, lisp-interface-library, lisp-pay, lisp-stat, local-time, lquery, lru-cache, luckless, macro-level, maiden, math, mcclim, memory-regions, messagebox, mgl-mat, mgl-pax, mito, mmap, mnas-path, mnas-string, modularize, modularize-hooks, modularize-interfaces, multilang-documentation, multiposter, mutility, named-readtables, nibbles, ningle, nodgui, north, numerical-utilities, numpy-file-format, nytpu.lisp-utils, omglib, one-more-re-nightmare, openapi-generator, orizuru-orm, osicat, ospm, oxenfurt, pango-markup, parachute, parseq, pathname-utils, petalisp, piping, plot, plump, plump-bundle, plump-sexp, plump-tex, policy-cond, posix-shm, postmodern, ppath, prettier-builtins, promise, psychiq, punycode, purgatory, py4cl2-cffi, qlot, quickhull, random-state, ratify, reblocks, reblocks-auth, reblocks-prometheus, redirect-stream, rove, s-dot2, sc-extensions, scribble, sel, serapeum, sha3, shasht, shop3, si-kanren, simple-inferiors, simple-tasks, sketch, slite, sly, softdrink, south, speechless, spinneret, staple, statistics, stopclock, studio-client, stumpwm, sxql, system-locale, terrable, testiere, tfeb-lisp-hax, tfeb-lisp-tools, tiny-routes, tooter, trivial-arguments, trivial-benchmark, trivial-clipboard, trivial-custom-debugger, trivial-extensible-sequences, trivial-garbage, trivial-gray-streams, trivial-indent, trivial-main-thread, trivial-mimes, trivial-sanitize, trivial-thumbnail, trivial-timeout, trivial-utf-8, trucler, try, typo, uax-14, uax-9, ubiquitous, unboxables, vellum, vellum-csv, vellum-postmodern, verbose, websocket-driver, woo, xmls, yah, zippy.

Removed projects: cl-bson, cl-fastcgi, more-cffi, myweb, parse-number-range, quilc, qvm.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp")

What's up with Quicklisp updates taking way longer than usual? A couple things.

First, life has been pretty crazy for me, and I'm the only one working on Quicklisp updates. If anyone wants to collaborate, please let me know. There are some simple things that could improve the time between releases.

Second, there are now enough things in Quicklisp that every month something is broken at a critical time when I'm planning a release. I need to work around this with some better management software, but that takes time and things are pretty crazy for me (see above).

I hope to get back on track for regular monthly releases soon. Thanks for your support and thanks for using Quicklisp.


June 2023 Quicklisp dist update now available

 New projects

  • 3d-spaces — A library implementing spatial query structures — zlib
  • 40ants-slynk — Utilities to start SLYNK if needed and to track active connections. — Unlicense
  • binary-structures — A library for reading, writing, and representing structures from binary representations — zlib
  • cl-atelier — An atelier for Lisp developers — MIT License
  • cl-bmp — A library for dealing with Windows bitmaps (BMP, DIB, ICO, CUR) — zlib
  • cl-def-properties — Common Lisp definitions instropection library — MIT
  • cl-fast-ecs — Blazingly fast Entity-Component-System microframework. — MIT
  • cl-fbx — Bindings to ufbx, a simple and free FBX model decoding library — zlib
  • cl-id3 — A Common Lisp implementation of the ID3 machine learning algorithm by R. Quinlan. — BSD-2-Clause
  • cl-jschema — Common Lisp implementation of JSON Schema — MIT
  • cl-jsonl — Lazy read JSONL files with each line a separate definition. — MIT
  • cl-ktx — An implementation of the Khronos KTX image file format — zlib
  • cl-opensearch-query-builder — Common Lisp implementation of a builder for the OpenSearch query DSL — *CL-OPENSEARCH-QUERY-BUILDER-LICENSE*
  • cl-opus — Bindings to libopusfile, a simple and free OGG/Opus decoding library — zlib
  • cl-slugify — converts a string into a slug representation. — unlicense
  • cl-tqdm — Simple And Fast Progress Bar Library for Common Lisp — MIT
  • cl-unac — bindings for lib unac(3). — unlicense
  • cl-wavefront — A library to parse the Wavefront OBJ file format. — zlib
  • cl-webmachine — HTTP Semantic Awareness on top of Hunchentoot — MIT License
  • decompress — A defensive and fast Deflate decompressor in pure CL. — MIT
  • extensible-optimizing-coerce — `extensible-optimizing-coerce` primarily provides a `extensible-optimizing-coerce:coerce` function intended as an extensible alternative to `cl:coerce`. — MIT
  • kdlcl — KDL reader/printer for common lisp — MIT No Attribution
  • kdtree-jk — KD-TREE package for searching for nearest neighbors in N points in in M-dimensions in N log(N) time. — MIT
  • khazern — A portable and extensible Common Lisp LOOP implementation — BSD
  • letv — The LETV Package. Exports two macros, LETV and LETV* that allow to combine standard LET and LET* constucts with MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND in a possible less verbose way that also requires less indentation. — BSD
  • logging — Functions to configure log4cl for different contexts: REPL, Backend, Command Line Application. — Unlicense
  • lru-cache — A least-recently-used cache structure — zlib
  • memory-regions — Implementation of a memory region abstraction — zlib
  • native-lazy-seq — Lazy sequence using user-extensible sequence protocol. — GPLv3.0+
  • nytpu.lisp-utils — A collection of miscellaneous standalone utility packages. — MPL-2.0
  • openapi-generator — Parse OpenAPI into CLOS object for client generation — AGPLv3-later
  • prettier-builtins — A lightweight library to pretty print builtin arrays and hash-tables. — MIT
  • prometheus-gc — This is a Prometheus collector for Common Lisp implementation garbage collector. — Unlicense
  • punycode — Punycode encoding/decoding — zlib
  • quickhull — An implementation of the Quickhull convex hull construction algorithm — zlib
  • reblocks — A Common Lisp web framework, successor of the Weblocks. — LLGPL
  • reblocks-auth — A system to add an authentication to the Reblocks based web-site. — Unlicense
  • reblocks-file-server — A Reblocks extension allowing to create routes for serving static files from disk. — Unlicense
  • reblocks-lass — A helper for Reblocks framework to define CSS dependencies in LASS syntax. — Unlicense
  • reblocks-navigation-widget — A container widget which switches between children widgets when user changes an url. — Unlicense
  • reblocks-parenscript — An utility to define JavaScript dependencies for Weblocks widgets using Parenscript. — Unlicense
  • reblocks-prometheus — This is an addon for Reblocks Common Lisp framework which allows to gather metrics in Prometheus format. — Unlicense
  • reblocks-typeahead — A Reblocks widget implementing typeahead search. — Unlicense
  • reblocks-ui — A set of UI widgets for Reblocks web framework! — BSD
  • reblocks-websocket — Reblocks extension allowing to add a bidirectional communication via Websocket between a backend and Reblocks widgets. — Unlicense
  • rs-json — Yet another JSON decoder/encoder. — Modified BSD License
  • si-kanren — A micro-Kanren implementation in Common Lisp — MIT
  • sly-macrostep — Expand CL macros inside source files — GPL 3
  • sly-named-readtables — NAMED-READTABLES support for SLY — GPL 3
  • statusor — A library for graceful handling of errors in common lisp inspired by absl::StatusOr — BSD
  • stopclock — stopclock is a library for measuring time using (stop)clocks — Apache 2.0
  • unboxables — A simple wrapper around CFFI to enable contiguously allocated arrays of structures in Common Lisp. — MIT
  • vellum-binary — vellum custom binary format. — BSD simplified

Updated projects: 3bmd, 3bz, 3d-matrices, 3d-quaternions, 3d-transforms, 3d-vectors, abstract-arrays, acclimation, adhoc, alexandria, april, arc-compat, architecture.builder-protocol, array-utils, asdf-dependency-graph, aserve, async-process, atomics, bdef, big-string, bordeaux-threads, bp, cari3s, cffi, chanl, chipz, chirp, chlorophyll, ci, cl+ssl, cl-all, cl-apertium-stream-parser, cl-async, cl-bmas, cl-charms, cl-clon, cl-collider, cl-colors2, cl-confidence, cl-cpus, cl-cram, cl-data-structures, cl-dbi, cl-feedparser, cl-form-types, cl-forms, cl-gamepad, cl-gap-buffer, cl-git, cl-glib, cl-gltf, cl-gobject-introspection, cl-gobject-introspection-wrapper, cl-gserver, cl-i18n, cl-lib-helper, cl-liballegro, cl-liballegro-nuklear, cl-libuv, cl-locatives, cl-lzlib, cl-markless, cl-mixed, cl-mlep, cl-modio, cl-mpg123, cl-naive-store, cl-openapi-parser, cl-out123, cl-patterns, cl-ppcre, cl-protobufs, cl-rashell, cl-replica, cl-semver, cl-sentry-client, cl-steamworks, cl-stopwatch, cl-str, cl-string-complete, cl-telegram-bot, cl-threadpool, cl-tiled, cl-unix-sockets, cl-utils, cl-veq, cl-webkit, cl-zstd, clack, clad, classimp, clingon, clog, closer-mop, cluffer, clx, cmd, codex, com-on, common-lisp-jupyter, commondoc-markdown, computable-reals, concrete-syntax-tree, consfigurator, cover, croatoan, crypto-shortcuts, css-lite, csv-validator, ctype, data-lens, deeds, definitions-systems, deflate, defrec, dense-arrays, deploy, depot, dexador, djula, dns-client, doc, docs-builder, draw-cons-tree, dynamic-collect, eclector, esrap, extensible-compound-types, factory-alien, file-select, filesystem-utils, fiveam-matchers, float-features, for, fresnel, functional-trees, gendl, geodesic, glsl-toolkit, gtirb-capstone, gtirb-functions, harmony, http2, iclendar, imago, in-nomine, interface, journal, json-lib, jzon, lack, letrec, lichat-tcp-client, lichat-tcp-server, lichat-ws-server, lime, linear-programming, linewise-template, lispcord, literate-lisp, lla, log4cl, log4cl-extras, lquery, maiden, map-set, markup, math, mcclim, messagebox, metabang-bind, mgl, mgl-mat, mgl-pax, micmac, mmap, mnas-graph, mnas-hash-table, mnas-package, mnas-path, mnas-string, modularize, mystic, named-closure, named-readtables, nibbles-streams, nodgui, north, omglib, osc, ospm, overlord, parachute, parameterized-function, pathname-utils, petalisp, plump, polymorphic-functions, ppath, print-licenses, promise, protobuf, py4cl2, py4cl2-cffi, queen.lisp, quick-patch, quri, random-sample, random-state, recur, sc-extensions, scheduler, sel, serapeum, shasht, shop3, simple-config, simple-inferiors, simple-tasks, sly, speechless, spinneret, staple, stepster, stmx, studio-client, stumpwm, swank-client, synonyms, template, ten, tfeb-lisp-hax, tooter, trace-db, trivia, trivial-arguments, trivial-clipboard, trivial-extensible-sequences, trivial-features, trivial-indent, trivial-package-locks, trivial-timeout, trivial-with-current-source-form, trucler, try, typo, uax-9, ubiquitous, ucons, usocket, utm-ups, vellum, vellum-postmodern, verbose, webapi, zacl, zippy, zpb-ttf.

Removed projects: cl-data-frame, cl-facts, cl-lessp, cl-libfarmhash, cl-libhoedown, cl-num-utils, cl-random, cl-rollback, colleen, gfxmath, glsl-metadata, halftone, history-tree, lionchat, monomyth, nclasses, neo4cl, nfiles, nhooks, njson, nkeymaps, nsymbols, numericals, nyxt, osmpbf, plain-odbc, trivial-coerce, trivial-string-template.

I removed Nyxt because it uses its own style of build system (nasdf) that doesn't work very well with Quicklisp. I recommend getting it directly if you want to use it. Other removed projects stopped building and did not respond to bug reports or disappeared from the Internet.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Enjoy!


February 2023 Quicklisp dist update now available

 New projects: 

  • asdf-dependency-graph — A minimal wrapper around `dot` available at least on Linux systems to generate dependency-graphs. — MIT
  • aws-sdk-lisp — AWS-SDK for Common Lisp — BSD 2-Clause
  • chlorophyll — ANSI escape code library for Common Lisp — Expat
  • ciao — OAuth 2.0 Client for Common Lisp — LGPLv3
  • cl-cmark — Common Lisp bindings to libcmark, the CommonMark reference implementation — BSD-2-Clause
  • cl-jingle — jingle -- ningle with bells and whistles — BSD 2-Clause
  • cl-modio — A client library for the mod.io API. — zlib
  • csv-validator — Validates tabular CSV data using predefined validations, similar to its Python counterpart 'Great Expectations'. — BSD-3
  • history-tree — Store the history of a browser's visited paths. — BSD 3-Clause
  • jzon — A correct and safe(er) JSON RFC 8259 parser with sane defaults. — MIT
  • lisp-pay — Wrappers over multiple Payment Processor APIs — MIT
  • mito-attachment — Mito mixin class for file management — LLGPL
  • nclasses — Simplify class like definitions with define-class and friends. — Public Domain
  • njson — NJSON is a JSON handling framework with the focus on convenience and brevity. — BSD-3 Clause
  • nsymbols — A set of convenience functions to list class, variable, function, and other symbols. — BSD-3 Clause
  • py4cl2-cffi — CFFI based alternative to PY4CL2, primarily developed for performance reasons. — MIT
  • symath — A simple symbolic math library for Common Lisp — MIT

Updated projects: 3b-bmfont, 40ants-asdf-system, abstract-arrays, adp, ahungry-fleece, amb, april, babel, bdef, binary-parser, binpack, bp, cells, cffi, ci, cl+ssl, cl-advice, cl-bcrypt, cl-bnf, cl-cffi-gtk, cl-collider, cl-colors2, cl-confidence, cl-conspack, cl-containers, cl-cxx, cl-data-structures, cl-dbi, cl-digraph, cl-enumeration, cl-etcd, cl-fix, cl-gamepad, cl-git, cl-glib, cl-gobject-introspection, cl-gobject-introspection-wrapper, cl-graph, cl-gserver, cl-hamcrest, cl-i18n, cl-indentify, cl-jpeg, cl-lambdacalc, cl-mathstats, cl-megolm, cl-migratum, cl-mixed, cl-naive-store, cl-oju, cl-opencl-utils, cl-patterns, cl-pdf, cl-prevalence, cl-protobufs, cl-rashell, cl-rdkafka, cl-rfc4251, cl-ssh-keys, cl-steamworks, cl-store, cl-str, cl-telegram-bot, cl-trie, cl-unification, cl-utils, cl-vorbis, cl-webkit, cl-wol, cl-xkb, cl-yacc, clack, clad, clast, clath, clavier, clazy, climacs, climc, clingon, clip, clog, closer-mop, cluffer, clx, cmd, colorize, common-doc, consfigurator, croatoan, cserial-port, ctype, database-migrations, defenum, definer, dense-arrays, deploy, depot, dexador, djula, doc, docparser, docs-builder, dsm, duologue, eclector, extensible-compound-types, fare-csv, fare-utils, file-attributes, file-select, filesystem-utils, find-port, fiveam-matchers, float-features, for, functional-trees, glacier, gtirb-capstone, gtirb-functions, harmony, hashtrie, helambdap, http2, hu.dwim.syntax-sugar, in-nomine, journal, js, jsonrpc, lack, lass, lift, lisp-unit2, lmdb, local-time, log4cl-extras, lunamech-matrix-api, maiden, markup, mcclim, metabang-bind, mfiano-utils, mgl-mat, mgl-pax, mito, mk-defsystem, mmap, more-cffi, multiposter, music-spelling, mutility, nail, ndebug, new-op, nfiles, nhooks, nkeymaps, nodgui, north, numerical-utilities, numericals, nyxt, omglib, ook, osc, osicat, parachute, pero, petalisp, plot, plump, polymorphic-functions, postmodern, promise, py4cl2, qtools, random-state, read-number, replic, rove, sc-extensions, sel, serapeum, shop3, simple-neural-network, sketch, slime, sly, speechless, spinneret, statistics, stepster, stumpwm, swank-client, swank-crew, teepeedee2, ten, testiere, tfeb-lisp-hax, tooter, trace-db, trivial-backtrace, trivial-coerce, trivial-download, trivial-mimes, trivial-package-locks, trivial-shell, trivial-timeout, type-i, typo, uax-9, vellum, vellum-postmodern, vk, vp-trees, wayflan, with-contexts, with-user-abort, wookie, workout-timer, xhtmlambda, yason, zippy.

Removed projects: cl-sane, cluster, vellum-binary.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Enjoy!


November 2022 Quicklisp dist update now available

 New projects:

  • 40ants-asdf-system — Provides a class for being used instead of asdf:package-inferred-system. — BSD
  • action-list — An implementation of action lists — zlib
  • adp — Add Documentation, Please. A documentation generator. — The Unlicense
  • anatevka — A distributed blossom algorithm for minimum-weight perfect matching. — MIT
  • cl-annot-revisit — Re-implementation of 'cl-annot', an annotation syntax library for Common Lisp. — WTFPL
  • cl-bloom-filter — Just another Common Lisp bloom filter implementation, enjoy it! — 
  • cl-cblas — A cl-autowrap generated wrapper around CBLAS which provides a C interface to the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms. — MIT
  • cl-djula-svg — Handle SVGs in Djula Templates — MIT
  • cl-djula-tailwind — Tailwind classes for Djula templates — MIT
  • cl-facts — in-memory graph database — ISC
  • cl-glib — GLib binding for Common Lisp. — lgpl3
  • cl-gobject-introspection-wrapper — Wrap and call GObject Introspection FFI function in LISP style, based on cl-gobject-introspection. — lgpl3
  • cl-lessp — Generic order predicate — ISC
  • cl-oju — Common Lisp equivalents of core Clojure functions, especially sequence-related ones — MIT
  • cl-rollback — rollback functions — ISC
  • cl-sentry-client — Sentry client — MIT
  • cl-union-find — An implementation of UNION-FIND datastructure — LGPL
  • climc — A common lisp Instant Messaging client. — MIT License
  • clog-plotly — New CLOG System — BSD
  • clog-terminal — CLOG Terminal — BSD
  • de-mock-racy — Simplistic mocking library. — BSD simplified
  • distributions — Random numbers and distributions — MS-PL
  • dsm — Destructuring match — MIT
  • easy-macros — An easier way to write 90% of your macros — Apache License, Version 2.0
  • filesystem-utils — A collection of utilities for filesystem interaction. — zlib
  • filter-maker — CLIM program for letting users make filters out of predicates and keys. — BSD 2-Clause
  • fiveam-matchers — An extensible matchers library for FiveAM — Apache License, Version 2.0
  • infix-reader — A reader macro to allow for infix syntax with { ... } — Unlicence
  • input-event-codes — Port of all constants from input-event-codes.h from both Linux and FreeBSD — MIT
  • instance-tracking — Defines a class that tracks its instances — MIT
  • json-lib — A simple and relatively fast JSON parser and encoder — MIT
  • lineva — Linear evaluation macro system — GPLv3
  • luckless — Lockless data structures — zlib
  • more-cffi — Extension of the CFFI project. A facility to wrap C bindings and write documentation. — The Unlicense
  • music-spelling — Automatic pitch and rhythm spelling. — Apache 2.0
  • nail — library providing convenient functions for working with linalg, statistics and probability. — MIT
  • ndebug — A toolkit to construct interface-aware yet standard-compliant debugger hooks. — BSD 3-Clause
  • numericals — A high performance numerical computing library for Common Lisp (focus: basic math operations) — MIT
  • ospm — OS package manager interface — BSD 3-Clause
  • pero — Logging and text file perations library — MIT
  • pk-serialize — Serialization of Common Lisp data structures — MIT
  • statistics — A consolidated system of statistical functions — MS-PL
  • stepster — Web scraping library — MIT
  • testiere — Up Front Testing for DEFUN and DEFMETHOD — GPLv3
  • trivial-sanitize — clean html strings: "foo" → "foo" — LLGPL
  • tsqueue — Thread Safe Queue — MIT
  • typo — A portable type inference library for Common Lisp — MIT
  • wayflan — From-scratch Wayland client implementation — BSD 3-Clause
  • yah — Yet Another Heap — BSD-3

Updated projects: 3d-quaternions, 3d-vectors, abstract-arrays, acclimation, agnostic-lizard, alexandria-plus, architecture.builder-protocol, array-utils, assoc-utils, auto-restart, bdef, bit-smasher, blackbird, bp, bst, caveman, cephes.cl, cerberus, cffi, chunga, ci, ci-utils, cl+ssl, cl-all, cl-async, cl-autowrap, cl-bmas, cl-charms, cl-collider, cl-confidence, cl-cron, cl-data-structures, cl-form-types, cl-forms, cl-gamepad, cl-generator, cl-git, cl-gserver, cl-i18n, cl-info, cl-interpol, cl-isaac, cl-json-pointer, cl-kaputt, cl-las, cl-lib-helper, cl-liballegro, cl-liballegro-nuklear, cl-libuv, cl-lzlib, cl-marshal, cl-migratum, cl-mixed, cl-mock, cl-naive-store, cl-openal, cl-patterns, cl-pdf, cl-protobufs, cl-randist, cl-random-forest, cl-replica, cl-scsu, cl-semver, cl-sendgrid, cl-ses4, cl-steamworks, cl-str, cl-telegram-bot, cl-tls, cl-torrents, cl-unix-sockets, cl-utils, cl-wav, cl-webkit, cl-xkb, cl-yaml, cl-yxorp, cl-zstd, clack, clgplot, clingon, clj-re, clobber, clog, clog-ace, closer-mop, clsql, clss, cluffer, clunit2, clx, cmd, coleslaw, common-lisp-jupyter, commondoc-markdown, compiler-macro-notes, conduit-packages, consfigurator, croatoan, css-lite, cytoscape-clj, damn-fast-priority-queue, data-frame, data-lens, data-table, datamuse, defmain, dense-arrays, depot, dexador, dfio, dissect, doc, docparser, docs-builder, eclector, erudite, extensible-compound-types, fast-io, fiveam-asdf, flare, float-features, font-discovery, for, functional-trees, github-api-cl, gtirb-capstone, gtirb-functions, gtwiwtg, gute, harmony, http2, hunchensocket, hunchentoot-errors, imago, in-nomine, ironclad, jp-numeral, json-schema, jsonrpc, kekule-clj, lack, latter-day-paypal, lift, linear-programming, linear-programming-glpk, lisp-binary, lisp-critic, lisp-namespace, lisp-stat, lisp-unit2, literate-lisp, log4cl-extras, ltk, lunamech-matrix-api, markup, math, mcclim, mito, mnas-graph, mnas-package, multiposter, mutility, myway, neural-classifier, nfiles, nhooks, nkeymaps, nodgui, numcl, numerical-utilities, nyxt, omglib, one-more-re-nightmare, osc, osicat, overlord, papyrus, parachute, pathname-utils, periods, petalisp, pgloader, piping, plot, plump, polymorphic-functions, posix-shm, postmodern, pp-toml, query-fs, quick-patch, quri, random-state, replic, rutils, sel, select, serapeum, shasht, shop3, simple-neural-network, sketch, skippy-renderer, slite, sly, snakes, special-functions, speechless, spinneret, staple, stripe-against-the-modern-world, stumpwm, stumpwm-dynamic-float, tfeb-lisp-hax, tfeb-lisp-tools, trace-db, trivial-clipboard, trivial-extensible-sequences, trivial-file-size, trivial-mimes, uax-15, uiop, usocket, utilities.print-items, utilities.print-tree, vellum, vellum-binary, vellum-postmodern, vk, with-c-syntax, wuwei, xml-emitter, yason, zippy.

Removed projects: cl-json-template, cl-schedule, cl-splicing-macro, mito-attachment, trivial-timers.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp")

I apologize for the long gap between this update and the last. I intend to get back on a monthly schedule.


July 2022 Quicklisp dist update now available

 New projects

  • abstract-arrays — Julia's AbstractArray like abstraction for Common Lisp. — MIT
  • avl-tree — An implementation of the AVL tree data structure. — MIT
  • binary-parser — A toolset for parsing binary data formats. — MIT
  • binary-search-tree — An implementation of the binary search tree data structure. — MIT
  • cl-bmas — A Common Lisp wrapper around BMAS - a BLAS like library with support for integers, basic math operations, trigonometry, and more. — MIT
  • cl-confidence — A Simple Interactive Test Framework for Common Lisp — MIT
  • cl-libinput — Common Lisp wrapper for libinput — BSD 3-Clause
  • cl-mdb — cl-mdb: a simple in-memory key-value database — MulanPubL-2.0
  • cl-morse — Library for translating ASCII letters to morse code and back. — BSD-3clause
  • cl-rashell — Resilient replicant Shell Programming Library for Common Lisp — MIT
  • cl-replica — Library for hash-table replication via epidemic algorithms — BSD
  • cl-secp256k1 — FFI findings for secp256k1 library — MIT
  • cl-sysexits — Exit codes defined in sysexits.h — BSD-3-Clause
  • cl-voipms — Common Lisp HTTP api client to the voip.ms api. — BSD
  • clog-ace — CLOG Ace Editor Plugin — BSD
  • cluster — A set of utilities for Common Lisp, including a full prototype system — MIT
  • clustered-intset — Implements a non-negative keyed set of integers favoring clustered keys. — MIT
  • convolution-kernel — An implementation of a kernel useful for convolution-like cellular transformations across a grid. — MIT
  • dense-arrays — Numpy like array objects for Common Lisp — MIT
  • doubly-linked-list — An implementation of the doubly linked list data structure. — MIT
  • dungen — A procedural dungeon generator. — MIT
  • dynamic-array — An optimized 1-dimensional array of fixnums that automatically re-adjusts in size. — MIT
  • easter-gauss — Calculate the Ester date from year using the method developed from Gauss. — MIT
  • erjoalgo-webutil — Framework for defining [oauth] http api client & sever. — GPLv3
  • extensible-compound-types — EXTENSIBLE-COMPOUND-TYPES for user-defined compound-types like (array &optional element-type dimension-spec) — MIT
  • freebsd-ffi — A small, but growing collection of syscall and base install library FFI wrappers for FreeBSD. — BSD2
  • gfxmath — A graphics math library. — MIT
  • github-api-cl — The lite Github rest v3 api client SDK — Apache
  • glsl-metadata — A computer-readable representation of all versions of the OpenGL Shader Language specifications. — MIT
  • grid-formation — Simple cellular grid formations and algorithms. — MIT
  • http2 — HTTP2 protocol implementation — MIT
  • identifier-pool — A simple generational identification number allocator. — MIT
  • mfiano-utils — A utility library. — MIT
  • mstrings — Pretty multiline strings Reader Macro — BSD 3-Clause
  • nibbles-streams — Proof of concept for lossless audio compressor — 2-clause BSD
  • nkeymaps — General-purpose keymap management à-la Emacs. — BSD 3-Clause
  • nlopt — Common Lisp interface to Non-linear optimization library NLopt — MIT
  • qoi — Library for encoding/decoding QOI (Quite OK Image Format) files — MIT
  • quad-tree — An implementation of the quad tree data structure. — MIT
  • red-black-tree — An implementation of the red-black search tree data structure. — MIT
  • slot-map — An implementation of the slot-map data structure. — MIT
  • sparse-set — An implementation of the sparse set data structure. — MIT
  • tile-grid — A simple tile grid implementation. — MIT
  • trivial-coerce — `trivial-coerce` primarily provides a `trivial-coerce:coerce` function intended as an extensible alternative to `cl:coerce`. — MIT
  • vellum-binary — vellum custom binary format. — BSD simplified

Updated projects: 3bmd, 3d-vectors, access, acclimation, alexandria, also-alsa, april, array-operations, bdef, bike, binpack, bit-smasher, black-tie, bodge-utilities, bordeaux-threads, bp, check-bnf, ci, ci-utils, cl+ssl, cl-advice, cl-ana, cl-beanstalk, cl-collider, cl-cookie, cl-cram, cl-data-structures, cl-dot, cl-etcd, cl-flow, cl-forms, cl-freetype2, cl-gamepad, cl-git, cl-gserver, cl-heredoc, cl-info, cl-inotify, cl-isaac, cl-json, cl-json-pointer, cl-lib-helper, cl-liballegro, cl-liballegro-nuklear, cl-lzlib, cl-markless, cl-migratum, cl-mixed, cl-muth, cl-naive-store, cl-patterns, cl-readline, cl-riff, cl-sat, cl-sdl2, cl-sendgrid, cl-skip-list, cl-str, cl-telegram-bot, cl-veq, cl-vorbis, cl-wavelets, cl-webkit, cl-zstd, clack, clog, closer-mop, clss, cluffer, clx, cmd, coleslaw, common-doc, common-lisp-jupyter, consfigurator, core-reader, cricket, croatoan, ctype, cubic-bezier, data-lens, declt, defmain, deploy, depot, dexador, dissect, djula, documentation-utils-extensions, drakma, duologue, easy-audio, easy-routes, eclector, factory-alien, fast-websocket, file-notify, flac-metadata, float-features, font-discovery, fresnel, functional-trees, gendl, generalized-reference, glsl-toolkit, gtirb-functions, gute, harmony, hu.dwim.quasi-quote, hu.dwim.sdl, hu.dwim.walker, hu.dwim.web-server, hu.dwim.zlib, hunchentoot-errors, imago, jingoh, jsown-utils, kekule-clj, latter-day-paypal, lichat-protocol, lichat-tcp-client, linear-programming, lisp-binary, literate-lisp, local-time, log4cl-extras, ltk, maiden, mailgun, markup, math, mcclim, mito, mmap, mnas-graph, mnas-hash-table, mnas-package, mnas-path, mnas-string, mutility, neo4cl, neural-classifier, nfiles, nhooks, nodgui, null-package, nyxt, omglib, one-more-re-nightmare, origin, patchwork, pathname-utils, perceptual-hashes, petalisp, pgloader, plump, pngload, polymorphic-functions, print-licenses, prompt-for, purgatory, py4cl, quri, random-uuid, read-as-string, rpcq, sc-extensions, scheduler, scriba, seedable-rng, sel, serapeum, shadow, shasht, shop3, simple-config, slite, sly, speechless, stripe, stumpwm, tfeb-lisp-hax, tfeb-lisp-tools, trivia, trivial-benchmark, trivial-json-codec, trivial-mimes, trivial-monitored-thread, trivial-object-lock, trivial-rfc-1123, trivial-utilities, trucler, ttt, type-i, umbra, utilities.print-items, vellum, vellum-csv, vgplot, vivid-colors, vivid-diff, vk, woo, workout-timer, xmls, yason, zippy.

Removed projects: algae, climc, golden-utils, mop-utils, parsley, sn.man.

The removed projects have been removed by their authors upstream, or no longer build.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Enjoy!


March 2022 Quicklisp dist update now available

 New projects

  • asn1 — ASN.1 encoder/decoder — BSD 2-Clause
  • auto-restart — automatically generate restart-cases for the most common use cases, and also use the restart for automatic retries — Apache License, Version 2.0
  • cl-advice — Portable advice for Common Lisp — LGPL
  • cl-gltf — A library to parse the glTF file format. — zlib
  • clgplot — A Gnuplot front-end for Common lisp — MIT Licence
  • clusters — Cluster algorithms in CL, for CL. — BSD simplified
  • generalized-reference — Generalized reference over structured data by pairwise reduction of arbitrary place identifiers for Common Lisp. — MIT
  • jsown-utils — Utilities for Common Lisp JSON library jsown — MIT
  • maidenhead — Convert coordinates between Latitude/Longitude and Maidenhead. — GPL-3
  • olc — Convert coordinates between Latitude/Longitude and Open Location Code. — GPL-3
  • one-more-re-nightmare — A regular expression compiler — BSD 2-clause
  • posix-shm — POSIX shared memory — BSD 3-Clause

Updated projects: 3b-bmfont, 3d-matrices, 3d-quaternions, 3d-transforms, a-cl-logger, access, adhoc, adopt, alexandria, april, arc-compat, architecture.builder-protocol, bp, chunga, ci, cl+ssl, cl-apertium-stream-parser, cl-capstone, cl-collider, cl-covid19, cl-data-structures, cl-dct, cl-diskspace, cl-editdistance, cl-forms, cl-fxml, cl-gamepad, cl-gopher, cl-gserver, cl-info, cl-isaac, cl-kaputt, cl-kraken, cl-lambdacalc, cl-liballegro-nuklear, cl-markless, cl-migratum, cl-mixed, cl-myriam, cl-online-learning, cl-patterns, cl-protobufs, cl-python, cl-random-forest, cl-sat, cl-sat.glucose, cl-sat.minisat, cl-sdl2, cl-smt-lib, cl-sparql, cl-str, cl-telegram-bot, cl-torrents, cl-vorbis, cl-wavelets, cl-webkit, cl-who, cl-wol, cl-yxorp, clingon, clog, closer-mop, cmd, com-on, common-lisp-jupyter, commondoc-markdown, conduit-packages, context-lite, croatoan, defmain, depot, doc, easy-routes, eazy-gnuplot, envy, esrap, event-emitter, factory-alien, file-select, fiveam, fmt, font-discovery, fresnel, functional-trees, gendl, geodesic, graph, gute, harmony, herodotus, hunchentoot-multi-acceptor, imago, jingoh, jose, journal, latter-day-paypal, let-over-lambda, lisp-binary, log4cl-extras, maiden, mcclim, media-types, mgl-pax, mgrs, mmap, mnas-package, mutility, named-readtables, neo4cl, nfiles, nibbles, nyxt, open-location-code, overlord, paren6, parsnip, pjlink, plot, polymorphic-functions, protobuf, qlot, query-repl, read-number, rove, rs-colors, sc-extensions, scriba, sel, serapeum, shasht, sly, snakes, speechless, spinneret, stumpwm, tfeb-lisp-tools, tiny-routes, trace-db, trivia, trivial-do, try, usocket, websocket-driver, xmls, yason, zippy.

Removed projects: cl-cut.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Enjoy!