
July 2017 Quicklisp download stats

Here are the raw download stats for the top 100 projects in Quicklisp for July:
11470  alexandria
 8732  babel
 8521  closer-mop
 7779  split-sequence
 7534  trivial-features
 7197  cffi
 7170  iterate
 7095  cl-ppcre
 7061  bordeaux-threads
 6863  trivial-gray-streams
 6526  anaphora
 6062  flexi-streams
 5589  cl+ssl
 5588  trivial-garbage
 5327  trivial-backtrace
 5122  let-plus
 5071  nibbles
 4811  cl-fad
 4648  usocket
 4353  puri
 4124  cl-base64
 4119  drakma
 4107  local-time
 4006  named-readtables
 3949  chunga
 3661  chipz
 3201  ironclad
 3164  esrap
 3058  cl-unicode
 3043  cl-interpol
 3010  cl-yacc
 2807  more-conditions
 2789  md5
 2526  utilities.print-items
 2523  fiveam
 2511  asdf-flv
 2472  log4cl
 2250  slime
 2198  parse-number
 2178  trivial-types
 2154  trivial-indent
 2152  cl-annot
 2122  trivial-utf-8
 2113  cl-syntax
 1969  array-utils
 1914  cl-json
 1913  gettext
 1894  symbol-munger
 1882  plump
 1875  arnesi
 1826  collectors
 1825  cl-slice
 1805  access
 1794  djula
 1767  cl-locale
 1766  cl-parser-combinators
 1742  cl-utilities
 1732  metabang-bind
 1695  lift
 1668  cl-containers
 1666  asdf-system-connections
 1664  optima
 1662  metatilities-base
 1633  quri
 1631  hunchentoot
 1599  simple-date-time
 1567  lparallel
 1566  fast-io
 1562  uuid
 1531  cl-clon
 1461  bt-semaphore
 1438  trivial-mimes
 1437  closure-common
 1421  cxml
 1409  static-vectors
 1406  mcclim
 1327  clack
 1322  cl-vectors
 1281  ieee-floats
 1220  salza2
 1197  fast-http
 1165  clx
 1160  fare-utils
 1116  fare-quasiquote
 1114  lack
 1105  architecture.hooks
 1087  prove
 1087  cl-colors
 1057  uffi
 1040  cl-ansi-text
  997  inferior-shell
  997  fare-mop
  991  postmodern
  979  rfc2388
  978  proc-parse
  961  quicklisp-slime-helper
  942  pythonic-string-reader
  940  xsubseq
  940  plexippus-xpath
  934  cl-jpeg

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