
April 2016 Quicklisp dist update now available.

Quicklisp's 67th monthly update is now available!

 Thank you to all the people who signed up for the recurring Supporter Club in the last month. The "big" fundraiser is still in the works, and I'll let you know more when there's more info to share.

New projects:
  • caveman2-widgets — Weblocks like widgets for caveman2. — LLGPL
  • cl-gamepad — Bindings to libstem_gamepad, allowing the handling of gamepad input. — Artistic
  • cl-geos — A CFFI wrapper of GEOS for performing geometric operations in Lisp. — Lisp-LGPL
  • cl-hash-table-destructuring — Hash table destructuring utils — WTFPL
  • cl-statsd — Statsd client in Common Lisp — MIT
  • cl-vhdl — My attempt to understand VHDL, and basicly make VHDL with Lisp-macro — MIT
  • electron-tools — Download, extract, and run Electron binaries. — MIT
  • flare — Easy particle systems with fine grained control. — Artistic
  • inlined-generic-function — MOP implementation of the fast inlinable generic functions dispatched in compile-time — LLGPL
  • liblmdb — Low-level LMDB bindings. — MIT
  • lmdb — Bindings to LMDB. — MIT
  • oclcl — oclcl is a library S-expression to OpenCL C. — LLGPL
  • prbs — A library of higher-order functions for generating Pseudo-Random Binary Sequences of (practically) any degree — MIT
  • prometheus.cl — Prometheus.io Common Lisp client — MIT
  • random-state — Portable random number generation. — Artistic
  • remote-js — Send JavaScript from Common Lisp to a browser. — MIT
  • sketch — Sketch is a Common Lisp framework for the creation of electronic art, computer graphics, visual design, game making and more. It is inspired by Processing and OpenFrameworks. — MIT
  • tm — Formalized Iteration Library for Common LISP — MIT
  • trivial-compress — Compress a directory. — MIT
  • trivial-string-template — A trivial string template library, inspired by Python's string.Template — MIT
  • trivial-ws — Trivial WebSockets. — MIT
Updated projects3d-vectorsalexandriaarchitecture.service-providerarrow-macrosasdf-flvasteroidsbinfixburgled-batteriesceramiccl+sslcl-anacl-asynccl-autowrapcl-bsoncl-geometrycl-hash-utilcl-itertoolscl-jpegcl-l10ncl-lexercl-llvmcl-marklogiccl-mockcl-mtgnetcl-mysqlcl-ohmcl-openglcl-opsresearchcl-pangocl-rabbitcl-rethinkdbcl-sdl2cl-slugcl-string-matchcl-stringscl-tasuketecl-tetris3dcl-wordcutcl-yaclyamlclack-errorsclassimpclinchcloser-mopclxcommon-doccommon-doc-plumpcommon-htmlcommonqtcopy-directorycroatoandartsclemailaddressdeedsdefpackage-plus,dissectdocparseresrapesrap-liquidfare-utilsfast-ioform-fiddlegendlhyperluminal-memjp-numeralkenzolakelisp-interface-librarylocal-timemacrodynamicsmcclimmitonorthosicatpaiprolog,parse-jspath-parseprojecturedqtoolsqtools-uiquickutilrpmrtg-mathrutilssafe-queuescalplsdl2kitserapeumsimple-date-timesimple-tasksskittersmugsnarksouthspinneretstaplestumpwmsxql,teepeedee2temporal-functionstriviatrivial-channelstrivial-extractusocketutilities.print-treewhichworkout-timer.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").

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