
Two years of Quicklisp

Quicklisp is two years old. I'm happy with all the nice things Quicklisp has done for people, thankful for all the support people have shown (both morally and financially), a little bummed that it's still "beta" instead of "version 6", but hopeful that I'll be able to continue making Quicklisp better, little by little, as time goes on.

Happy birthday, Quicklisp!


  1. Contratulations and thanks for the great work!

  2. And let's not forget the 700+ contributed libraries and their respective authors and contributors, without which Quicklisp would have no reason to exist in the first place!

  3. Beta or not – this was something really needed by many in the Lisp community, and you made it happen. Thank you very much!

  4. For what it's worth I just wanted to thank you for creating, maintaining, and providing such a wonderful service.

    I stumbled into Common Lisp a few years ago via the StumpWM project and it blew my mind that you could write something like that in Lisp (I know I know...)

    Quicklisp and Quickproject are the start of all my common lisp projects now. You've made it SO EASY to get into Lisp by both providing a clearing house of neat Lisp libraries as well as a means of easily installing and managing them.

    I hope you can find the time, energy, and motivation for years to come. Thank you.

  5. It is the amazing tool that simplify working in CL and make

    CL more powerful. Congratulation and thank you very much for

    a maintaining such brilliant tool.

  6. Thank you! Tools like quicklisp can only show others how things can be simplified with CL ;)

  7. Quicklisp is the tool which made it all make sense to me! Thanks!

  8. Thank you for this amazing tool! You made my Common Lisp experience a lot better.

  9. Happy birthday ! Well born and really cool !

  10. I can't thank you enough for the time you've put into QuickLisp! Happy Birthdayversary :)

  11. Congratulations and another thank you for creating this wonderful tool! Don't let beta status get you down, as Quicklisp is more useable in it's current state than many commercial products are after many full version releases.

  12. Happy birthday quicklisp

  13. We need more people like you in the Common Lisp community. Thanks a lot for a quantum leap that makes easy starting on this unique language ;)

  14. Maybe it's stupid to go all AOL and reply, "Me, Too!" but I'd just like to add my own voice to the growing chorus of happy and appreciative users. Happy birthday, QuickLisp, and thank you, Xach.

  15. Thanks, your work is very helpful!

  16. A little donation for a great job, kudos Xach!

  17. I was having an experience with Common Lisp similar to the one that turned me off Java (classpath/dependency/build hell), when QuickLisp came out. Needless to say I stuck with Common Lisp and these days I am quite happy that a similar tool for Java wasn't around.

  18. QuickLisp has been a massive help with learning Lisp (which I started doing this year) Thank-you and Congratulations
