
Project download stats

Here are the raw counts of how many times each project has been downloaded from Quicklisp in the past month:
   1333 alexandria
   1112 babel
   1094 trivial-features
   1071 cffi
    999 usocket
    965 slime
    907 cl-ppcre
    839 trivial-gray-streams
    816 flexi-streams
    815 bordeaux-threads
    782 cl-fad
    754 cl-base64
    739 cl+ssl
    739 chunga
    706 md5
    681 trivial-backtrace
    678 rfc2388
    672 hunchentoot
    605 closer-mop
    541 trivial-garbage
    515 quicklisp-slime-helper
    483 puri
    463 metabang-bind
    448 iterate
    406 cl-who
    393 anaphora
    388 salza2
    341 parenscript
    323 moptilities
    321 cl-json
    308 weblocks
    298 asdf-system-connections
    289 cl-containers
    286 metatilities-base
    259 html-template
    257 fare-utils
    250 split-sequence
    247 f-underscore
    247 fare-matcher
    245 drakma
    238 cl-cont
    232 trivial-timeout
    229 metatilities
    220 cl-unicode
    211 uffi
    190 zpng
    188 cl-sqlite
    186 lispbuilder
    184 cl-vectors
    179 zpb-ttf
    179 lift
    172 closure-common
    172 cl-opengl
    168 vecto
    159 stefil
    159 cxml
    158 s-xml
    150 clsql
    143 clx
    133 arnesi
    131 iolib
    127 ironclad
    124 s-sysdeps
    124 cl-prevalence
    123 postmodern
    110 parse-number
    108 cl-utilities
    106 cl-yacc
    105 flexichain
    104 spatial-trees
     97 cl-gtk2
     94 mcclim
     91 local-time
     85 quickproject
     85 osicat
     81 named-readtables
     73 gsll
     73 gsd
     73 fsbv
     73 fiveam
     72 lisp-unit
     68 static-vectors
     65 cl-colors
     63 elephant
     63 commonqt
     61 cl-store
     59 kmrcl
     57 closure-html
     56 xmls
     56 plexippus-xpath
     55 cl-pdf
     54 ucw
     52 cxml-stp
     51 hu.dwim.asdf
     51 cl-cairo2
     50 portableaserve
     50 ltk
     49 yaclml
     47 ieee-floats
     46 restas
     43 rt
     42 linedit
     42 cl-graph
     42 cl-glfw
     41 hu.dwim.def
     41 hemlock
     41 cells
     39 net-telent-date
     39 cl-irc
     38 s-utils
     38 lw-compat
     38 cl-interpol
     37 utils-kt
     37 trivial-shell
     37 rfc2109
     37 cl-jpeg
     36 parse-js
     36 hu.dwim.defclass-star
     36 gbbopen
     36 contextl
     35 trivial-utf-8
     35 prepl
     34 cl-html-parse
     34 clem
     33 hu.dwim.util
     33 hu.dwim.syntax-sugar
     33 cl-smtp
     33 chipz
     32 uuid
     32 cl-closure-template
     31 series
     31 climacs
     30 hu.dwim.common-lisp
     30 hu.dwim.common
     30 cl-unification
     30 cl-routes
     29 s-base64
     29 conium
     29 command-line-arguments
     29 clpython
     29 aromyxo
     28 sw-mvc
     28 rutils
     27 zlib
     27 url-rewrite
     27 tpapp-utils
     27 html-encode
     27 glop
     27 fset
     27 cl-log
     26 yason
     26 misc-extensions
     26 cl-redis
     26 cl-oauth
     26 cl-data-format-validation
     25 trivial-http
     25 symbolicweb
     25 png-read
     25 f2cl
     25 cl-zmq
     24 retrospectiff
     24 hu.dwim.walker
     24 fare-csv
     24 cl-typesetting
     23 wiki-parser
     23 unix-options
     23 trees
     23 rfc2388-binary
     23 documentation-template
     23 colorize
     23 cl-png
     23 asdf-install
     22 s-http-client
     22 pcall
     22 log5
     22 js
     22 cl-mongo
     22 cl-lex
     22 cl-irregsexp
     22 adw-charting
     21 usocket-udp
     21 sw-http
     21 regex
     21 dynamic-classes
     21 ch-image
     20 zip
     20 sw-stm
     20 phemlock
     20 monkeylib-macro-utilities
     20 mel-base
     20 l-math
     20 ht-simple-ajax
     20 garbage-pools
     20 cl-openal
     20 cl-ncurses
     19 screamer
     19 portable-threads
     19 hu.dwim.stefil
     19 cl-markdown
     19 chillax
     18 protobuf
     18 montezuma
     18 lml2
     18 glaw
     18 cl-num-utils
     17 verrazano
     17 plokami
     17 monkeylib-binary-data
     17 ffa
     17 cl-plplot
     17 cl-jpl-util
     17 cl-docutils
     17 cl-cli-parser
     17 blackthorn-engine
     16 sclf
     16 rucksack
     16 ptester
     16 incf-cl
     16 hu.dwim.serializer
     16 date-calc
     16 cxml-rpc
     16 csv-parser
     16 cl-twitter
     16 cl-test-more
     16 cl-libxml2
     16 ch-util
     15 pipes
     15 monkeylib-pathnames
     15 jpl-queues
     15 femlisp
     15 cl-xmpp
     15 cl-uglify-js
     15 binary-types
     15 beirc
     14 restas-directory-publisher
     14 lisp-on-lines
     14 hunchentoot-cgi
     14 hu.dwim.logger
     14 getopt
     14 css-lite
     14 cl-skip-list
     13 xarray
     13 st-json
     13 py-configparser
     13 hunchentoot-vhost
     13 fft
     13 cl-soap
     13 cl-l10n-cldr
     13 cl-l10n
     13 chronicity
     12 trivial-timers
     12 relational-objects-for-lisp
     12 nst
     12 mtlisp
     12 levenshtein
     12 hunchentoot-auth
     12 hu.dwim.delico
     12 hu.dwim.computed-class
     12 external-program
     12 cl-syslog
     12 cl-geometry
     12 bknr-datastore
     11 zs3
     11 unit-test
     11 s-xml-rpc
     11 simple-date-time
     11 npg
     11 mt19937
     11 manardb
     11 lla
     11 hu.dwim.rdbms
     11 fcgi
     11 cl-sphinx
     11 clouchdb
     11 cl-modlisp
     11 cl-memcached
     11 cl-heap
     11 cl-gpu
     11 array-operations
     11 3b-swf
     10 xuriella
     10 wuwei
     10 until-it-dies
     10 sb-vector-io
     10 net4cl
     10 metacopy
     10 imago
     10 hu.dwim.quasi-quote
     10 hu.dwim.perec
     10 eager-future
     10 cl-random
     10 cl-org-mode
     10 cl-i18n
     10 cl-gd
     10 cl-clon
     10 cl-2d
     10 buildapp
      9 zpb-exif
      9 sheeple
      9 rcl
      9 mime4cl
      9 cl-webdav
      9 cl-v4l2
      9 cl-stm
      9 cl-sasl
      9 cl-paypal
      9 cl-m4
      9 cl-lastfm
      9 cleric
      9 cl-dot
      9 cl-devil
      9 bordeaux-fft
      9 asn.1
      8 s-protobuf
      8 skippy
      8 pileup
      8 monkeylib-markup
      8 meta-sexp
      8 lisp-magick
      8 hu.dwim.wui
      8 defsystem-compatibility
      8 dbus
      8 clws
      8 cl-rss
      8 cl-growl
      8 clg
      8 clfswm
      8 cl-binary-file
      8 clazy
      8 atdoc
      7 trivial-ldap
      7 scribble
      7 rpc4cl
      7 plain-odbc
      7 pg
      7 monkeylib-utilities
      7 monkeylib-test-framework
      7 monkeylib-markup-html
      7 monkeylib-foo
      7 midi
      7 meta
      7 hu.dwim.partial-eval
      7 gtfl
      7 genhash
      7 folio
      7 esrap
      7 cl-xmlspam
      7 cl-wal
      7 cl-swap-file
      7 cl-s3
      7 clonsigna
      7 cl-iconv
      7 cl-emb
      7 cl-bibtex
      7 cl-bencode
      7 black-tie
      7 binge
      7 archive
      6 xptest
      6 xlunit
      6 string-case
      6 smtp4cl
      6 s-dot
      6 monkeylib-prose-diff
      6 micmac
      6 mgl
      6 hyperobject
      6 gsharp
      6 graylex
      6 eos
      6 cxml-rng
      6 conduit-packages
      6 cl-quickcheck
      6 cl-qprint
      6 cl-ftp
      6 cl-btree
      6 cl-beanstalk
      6 cells-gtk3
      6 bk-tree
      5 zcdb
      5 x.let-star
      5 vcs-tree
      5 umlisp-orf
      5 tilde
      5 sqnc
      5 snmp
      5 proton
      5 postoffice
      5 parse-declarations
      5 osc
      5 mixalot
      5 loopless
      5 lml
      5 jsown
      5 inotify
      5 gzip-stream
      5 fucc
      5 dso-util
      5 dso-lex
      5 declt
      5 cluck
      5 cl-rcfiles
      5 cl-popen
      5 clot
      5 clos-diff
      5 cl-mssql
      5 cl-lexer
      5 cl-heredoc
      5 cl-geocode
      5 cl-geo
      5 cl-difflib
      5 cl-ctrnn
      5 cl-azure
      5 calispel
      5 bourbaki
      4 xhtmlgen
      4 x.fdatatypes
      4 umlisp
      4 testbild
      4 tbnl
      4 soundex
      4 reversi
      4 pubmed
      4 psgraph
      4 okra
      4 odd-streams
      4 mw-equiv
      4 magicffi
      4 jwacs
      4 irc-logger
      4 ie3fp
      4 hu.dwim.reiterate
      4 evol
      4 deflate
      4 curly
      4 cl-photo
      4 cl-mw
      4 cl-html-diff
      4 cl-enumeration
      4 cl-couch
      4 cl-charms
      4 3bil
      3 sw-db
      3 spartns
      3 simpsamp
      3 simple-finalizer
      3 shuffletron
      3 sequence-iterators
      3 sb-cga
      3 rlc
      3 rfc3339-timestamp
      3 py-configvalidator
      3 pithy-xml
      3 patron
      3 ods4cl
      3 oct
      3 nuclblog
      3 lredis
      3 cl-wkb
      3 cl-quakeinfo
      3 cl-migrations
      2 tinaa
      2 latex-table
      2 cl-proc
      2 clon
      1 graphic-forms
      1 cl-fftw3


  1. Does this mean there weren't any projects that were downloaded 0 times?

  2. These stats are based on HTTP access logs, so any project that was not downloaded does not appear in this list.
