
(Second) December 2021 Quicklisp dist update now available

 New projects:

  • adhoc — Another Declarative Hierarchical Object-centric CLOS Customization — GPLv3
  • amb — An implementation of John McCarthy's ambiguous operator — MIT
  • fsocket — Franks socket API — MIT
  • lisp-interface-library — Long name alias for lil — MIT
  • polymorphic-functions — Type based dispatch for Common Lisp — MIT
  • purgatory — A simple implementation of the 9p filesystem protocol. — LLGPL
  • quux-hunchentoot — Thread pooling for hunchentoot — MIT
  • schannel — CFFI wrapper to SChannel — MIT
  • trivial-package-locks — A standard interface to the various package lock implementations. — MIT

Updated projects: alexandria-plus, bitfield, cl+ssl, cl-ana, cl-collider, cl-data-structures, cl-enumeration, cl-form-types, cl-gserver, cl-incognia, cl-info, cl-kraken, cl-sdl2, cl-unification, cl-webdriver-client, clad, clast, clazy, clingon, clog, closer-mop, consfigurator, contextl, croatoan, cserial-port, dartsclhashtree, defenum, definer, defmain, doc, fare-scripts, fof, fresnel, gendl, glsl-toolkit, hash-set, helambdap, hu.dwim.asdf, hu.dwim.def, hu.dwim.defclass-star, hu.dwim.graphviz, hu.dwim.logger, hu.dwim.presentation, hu.dwim.reiterate, hu.dwim.stefil, hu.dwim.util, hu.dwim.web-server, imago, lack, lichat-protocol, literate-lisp, log4cl-extras, math, mcclim, mgl-pax, mnas-string, monomyth, neural-classifier, new-op, ningle, nyaml, nyxt, omglib, ook, opticl, petalisp, pgloader, polisher, printv, promise, random-sample, safe-read, sc-extensions, scheduler, sel, serapeum, slite, sly, smug, stumpwm, tfeb-lisp-tools, trivial-cltl2, trivial-garbage, trucler, uncursed, vecto, vellum, vgplot.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp")


edit Oops. I forgot I already have a December release. Oh well, enjoy a double-update month!


December 2021 Quicklisp dist update now available

 New projects: 

  • chain — Two chaining/piping macros, one of them `setf`ing its first argument — BSD-3
  • cl-getopt — CFFI wrapper to the libc getopt_long function — Public Domain
  • cl-tls — An implementation of the Transport Layer Security Protocols — BSD-3-Clause
  • dotenv — Ease pain with working with .env files. — MIT
  • latter-day-paypal — Paypal api wrapper. — MIT
  • lunamech-matrix-api — An implementation of the Matrix API taken from LunaMech see https://lunamech.com — MIT
  • stripe-against-the-modern-world — Implementation of the Stripe API. — MIT
  • verlet — Verlet is a simple physics engine based on verlet integration. It supports particles with position and direction, springs between particles, global gravity as well as gravity between particles, and spacial constraints. — BSD-3

Updated projects: adopt, aether, alexandria, anaphora, arrival, aserve, basic-binary-ipc, bdef, bodge-host, caveman, chameleon, check-bnf, cl+ssl, cl-apertium-stream-parser, cl-autowrap, cl-bus, cl-collider, cl-conllu, cl-cron, cl-cxx-jit, cl-data-structures, cl-decimals, cl-enchant, cl-etcd, cl-form-types, cl-gamepad, cl-gcrypt, cl-general-accumulator, cl-gpio, cl-gserver, cl-info, cl-just-getopt-parser, cl-kraken, cl-l10n, cl-liballegro, cl-liballegro-nuklear, cl-mixed, cl-mpg123, cl-opencl, cl-patterns, cl-permutation, cl-progress-bar, cl-prolog2, cl-sparql, cl-string-match, cl-tld, cl-utils, cl-webdriver-client, cl-webkit, cl-yxorp, clack, clack-static-asset-middleware, clad, clingon, clip, clog, closer-mop, cmd, common-lisp-jupyter, commondoc-markdown, compiler-macro-notes, consfigurator, croatoan, cserial-port, data-frame, defconfig, defmain, dexador, djula, doc, docs-builder, easy-audio, fiveam, fiveam-asdf, gadgets, gendl, glacier, gtirb-capstone, gtirb-functions, gute, harmony, helambdap, hu.dwim.defclass-star, hu.dwim.perec, hu.dwim.presentation, hu.dwim.web-server, jingoh, lack, lichat-protocol, lichat-tcp-client, lift, lisp-stat, log4cl, log4cl-extras, maiden, mcclim, mgl-pax, micmac, millet, mito, mnas-package, mnas-string, mutility, named-readtables, nibbles, nodgui, numcl, numerical-utilities, nyxt, omglib, opticl, osicat, overlord, petalisp, plot, portal, postmodern, pp-toml, py4cl2, qlot, quilc, retrospectiff, rove, sel, serapeum, shop3, sly, snappy, static-dispatch, stefil-, structure-ext, stumpwm, tfeb-lisp-tools, trivial-features, trivial-timeout, trivial-utf-8, trivialib.bdd, uax-15, vas-string-metrics, vellum, vellum-csv, vellum-postmodern, vivid-colors, vivid-diff, wallstreetflets, woo, xhtmlambda, zippy.

Removed projects: lisp-interface-library, quux-hunchentoot.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Enjoy!