
December 2020 Quicklisp dist update now available

 New projects

  • aether — A DSL for emulating an actor-based distributed system, housed on a family of emulated devices. — MIT (See LICENSE.md)
  • binding-arrows — An implementation of threading macros based on binding anonymous variables — MIT
  • bitfield — Efficiently represent several finite sets or small integers as a single non-negative integer. — MIT
  • cl-bloggy — A simple extendable blogging system to use with Hunchentoot — MIT
  • cl-data-structures — Data structures, ranges, ranges algorithms. — BSD simplified
  • cl-html-readme — A HTML Documentation Generator for Common Lisp projects. — MIT
  • cl-ini — INI file parser — MIT
  • cl-notebook — A notebook-style in-browser editor for Common Lisp — AGPL3
  • cl-unix-sockets — UNIX Domain socket — Apache License, Version 2.0
  • cmd — A utility for running external programs — MIT
  • cytoscape-clj — A cytoscape widget for Common Lisp Jupyter. — MIT
  • damn-fast-priority-queue — A heap-based priority queue whose first and foremost priority is speed. — MIT
  • dataloader — A universal loader library for various data formats for images/audio — LLGPL
  • ecclesia — Utilities for parsing Lisp code. — MIT
  • fuzzy-match — From a string input and a list of candidates, return the most relevant candidates first. — MIT
  • geco — GECO: Genetic Evolution through Combination of Objects A CLOS-based Framework for Prototyping Genetic Algorithms — GPL 2.0
  • gtwiwtg — Lazy-ish iterators — GPLv3
  • gute — Gene's personal kitchen sink library. — MIT
  • lense — Racket style lenses for the Common Lisp. — BSD-2
  • linear-programming-glpk — A backend for linear-programming using GLPK — GPL 3.0
  • mgrs — Convert coordinates between Latitude/Longitude and MGRS. — GPL-3
  • monomyth — A distributed data processing library for CL — MPL 2.0
  • neural-classifier — Classification of samples based on neural network. — 2-clause BSD
  • roan — A library to support change ringing applications — MIT
  • simple-neural-network — Simple neural network — GPL-3
  • stefil- — Unspecified — Unspecified
  • tree-search — Search recursively through trees of nested lists — ISC
  • ttt — A language for transparent modifications of s-expression based trees. — GPLv3
  • utm-ups — Convert coordinates between Latitude/Longitude and UTM or UPS. — GPL-3
  • with-contexts — The WITH-CONTEXT System. A system providing a WITH macro and 'context'ualized objects handled by a ENTER/HANDLE/EXIT protocol in the spirit of Python's WITH macro. Only better, or, at a minimum different, of course. — BSD

Updated projects: 3bmd, 3bz, 3d-matrices, 3d-vectors, adopt, algae, april, arc-compat, architecture.builder-protocol, array-utils, arrow-macros, aws-sign4, bdef, binpack, check-bnf, cl-ana, cl-ansi-text, cl-bunny, cl-catmull-rom-spline, cl-cffi-gtk, cl-collider, cl-conllu, cl-covid19, cl-custom-hash-table, cl-digraph, cl-environments, cl-gamepad, cl-gd, cl-glfw3, cl-gserver, cl-interpol, cl-kraken, cl-liballegro, cl-liballegro-nuklear, cl-libyaml, cl-lzlib, cl-markless, cl-maxminddb, cl-mime, cl-mixed, cl-mongo-id, cl-naive-store, cl-octet-streams, cl-pass, cl-patterns, cl-pdf, cl-portaudio, cl-prevalence, cl-randist, cl-rdkafka, cl-sdl2, cl-sdl2-mixer, cl-semver, cl-sendgrid, cl-setlocale, cl-skkserv, cl-steamworks, cl-str, cl-tcod, cl-telegram-bot, cl-unicode, cl-utils, cl-wavelets, cl-webkit, cl-yaml, clesh, clj, clml, closer-mop, clsql, clweb, colored, common-lisp-jupyter, concrete-syntax-tree, conduit-packages, consix, corona, croatoan, curry-compose-reader-macros, dartscltools, dartscluuid, data-lens, defclass-std, deploy, dexador, djula, docparser, doplus, easy-audio, easy-routes, eazy-documentation, eclector, esrap, file-select, flexichain, float-features, floating-point-contractions, functional-trees, gadgets, gendl, generic-cl, glacier, golden-utils, gtirb-capstone, harmony, helambdap, house, hunchentoot-multi-acceptor, hyperluminal-mem, imago, ironclad, jingoh, jpeg-turbo, jsonrpc, kekule-clj, linear-programming, linux-packaging, lisp-chat, lisp-critic, lisp-gflags, literate-lisp, lmdb, local-package-aliases, local-time, lquery, markup, math, mcclim, millet, mito, mmap, mutility, named-readtables, neo4cl, nibbles, num-utils, origin, orizuru-orm, parachute, pathname-utils, perceptual-hashes, petalisp, phoe-toolbox, physical-quantities, picl, pjlink, portable-condition-system, postmodern, prometheus.cl, protest, protobuf, py4cl, py4cl2, qt-libs, quilc, quri, rcl, read-number, reader, rpcq, rutils, s-graphviz, sc-extensions, secret-values, sel, select, serapeum, shadow, simple-parallel-tasks, slime, sly, snooze, static-dispatch, stmx, stumpwm, swank-client, swank-protocol, sxql, tesseract-capi, textery, tooter, trace-db, trivial-compress, trivial-do, trivial-pooled-database, trivial-string-template, uax-15, uncursed, verbose, vp-trees, weblocks-examples, weblocks-prototype-js.

Removed projects: cl-arrows, cl-generic-arithmetic, clcs-code, dyna, osmpbf, sanity-clause, unicly.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp")
