
July 2015 download stats

Here are the top 100 downloads for July, 2015:
 13137  alexandria
  8723  trivial-features
  8303  babel
  7185  cffi
  7095  bordeaux-threads
  6398  trivial-gray-streams
  6269  flexi-streams
  5246  trivial-garbage
  5126  usocket
  5072  closer-mop
  4989  cl-fad
  4772  cl-ppcre
  4725  split-sequence
  4659  anaphora
  4599  cl+ssl
  4317  cl-base64
  4159  chunga
  4097  puri
  4022  drakma
  3916  iterate
  3842  nibbles
  3773  chipz
  3256  named-readtables
  3183  ironclad
  2816  md5
  2816  local-time
  2783  let-plus
  2741  slime
  2702  uiop
  2595  trivial-backtrace
  2507  cl-colors
  2375  hunchentoot
  2313  cl-ansi-text
  2263  prove
  1924  cl-unicode
  1900  rfc2388
  1900  metabang-bind
  1863  trivial-types
  1860  cl-utilities
  1821  cl-annot
  1806  optima
  1777  fiveam
  1717  cl-interpol
  1700  cl-syntax
  1629  static-vectors
  1583  trivial-utf-8
  1580  quri
  1466  parse-number
  1450  fast-io
  1418  salza2
  1322  clack
  1313  quicklisp-slime-helper
  1296  cl-json
  1226  proc-parse
  1137  xsubseq
  1092  jonathan
  1068  fast-http
  1036  ieee-floats
  1025  osicat
  1019  closure-common
  1018  lack
   959  cxml
   957  asdf-system-connections
   937  zpb-ttf
   935  http-body
   914  uuid
   897  postmodern
   893  hu.dwim.asdf
   876  trivial-indent
   860  zpng
   835  plump
   833  cl-dbi
   827  esrap
   818  fare-utils
   813  jsown
   812  array-utils
   806  cl-who
   776  cl-yacc
   754  metatilities-base
   746  symbol-munger
   720  swap-bytes
   719  yason
   718  cl-containers
   711  trivial-mimes
   695  fare-quasiquote
   687  lisp-unit
   686  clss
   662  lquery
   648  cl-vectors
   636  iolib
   626  myway
   626  map-set
   625  parenscript
   608  lparallel
   607  arnesi
   605  log4cl
   592  hu.dwim.stefil
   588  cl-marshal
   585  vom
   578  external-program


August 2015 Quicklisp dist update now available

New projects:

  • binfix — BINFIX -- A powerful binary infix syntax for Common LISP. — GNU GPLv2
  • ceramic — Common Lisp web apps on the desktop — MIT
  • cl-bson — BSON encoder/decoder for Common Lisp. — LLGPL
  • cl-intbytes — Encode/decode any-base integers and byte arrays interchangeably. — LLGPL
  • cl-liballegro — Allegro game programming library bindings. — Unspecified
  • clml — Common Lisp Machine Learning Library — LLGPL
  • fred — Lisp Interface to Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED®) — MIT
  • halftone — An image viewer using Qtools — Artistic
  • kenzo — A Symbolic Software for Effective Homology Computation by Francis Sergeraert — GPLv3
  • oe-encode — An implementation of the ENCODE() hash function from Progress OpenEdge. — CC0 1.0 Public Domain
  • tiff4cl — TIFF access primitives — LGPL

Updated projects: access, array-utils, basic-binary-ipc, bit-smasher, black-tie, buildapp, caveman, cl-ana, cl-ansi-text, cl-closure-template, cl-cookie, cl-coveralls, cl-ev, cl-gists, cl-gss, cl-i18n, cl-isaac, cl-launch, cl-marklogic, cl-mlep, cl-murmurhash, cl-oauth, cl-opengl, cl-opsresearch, cl-pdf, cl-poker-eval, cl-proj, cl-pslib, cl-pslib-barcode, cl-qprint, cl-rabbit, cl-rfc2047, cl-sl4a, cl-slug, cl-string-match, clack, clack-errors, clinch, clipper, closer-mop, clx, colleen, com.informatimago, common-doc, common-html, croatoan, datafly, declt, defclass-std, dexador, djula, docparser, drakma, dyna, esrap, esrap-liquid, external-program, fare-utils, fast-http, frpc, gendl, glyphs, hdf5-cffi, hh-aws, hu.dwim.util, integral, introspect-environment, iolib, jonathan, let-over-lambda, lisp-interface-library, lquery, lucerne, md5, mpc, ningle, perlre, plump, proc-parse, protobuf, prove, purl, qlot, qmynd, qt-libs, qtools, quickapp, quri, racer, s-protobuf, scalpl, sdl2kit, serapeum, simple-tasks, split-sequence, stumpwm, swap-bytes, sxql, terminfo, trivial-download, trivial-extract, trivial-irc, uiop, varjo, verbose, woo, wookie.

Removed projects: ch-image, mini-cas.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Enjoy!