16626 alexandria 15213 closer-mop 13436 anaphora 13420 split-sequence 12954 babel 12879 trivial-features 12719 iterate 12464 cl-ppcre 11798 bordeaux-threads 11724 let-plus 11693 trivial-gray-streams 11389 cffi 11281 trivial-garbage 10622 puri 9884 nibbles 9732 more-conditions 9611 flexi-streams 9026 usocket 8602 cl+ssl 8544 utilities.print-items 8153 cl-base64 8130 chunga 7889 chipz 7791 drakma 7691 esrap 7635 trivial-backtrace 6308 ironclad 5910 cl-yacc 5691 cl-fad 5302 parse-number 4996 named-readtables 4984 fiveam 4959 asdf-flv 4886 log4cl 4756 bt-semaphore 4736 local-time 4701 lparallel 4647 closure-common 4638 cxml 4594 architecture.hooks 4552 lift 3784 plexippus-xpath 3586 cl-json 3569 trivial-utf-8 3322 optima 3157 parser.common-rules 3144 cl-clon 2837 uuid 2819 cxml-stp 2705 xml.location 2700 metabang-bind 2624 cl-dot 2475 utilities.print-tree 2473 slime 2458 cl-unicode 2456 cl-interpol 2273 md5 2267 cl-store 2232 fare-utils 2204 fare-quasiquote 2108 inferior-shell 2105 fare-mop 1769 cl-utilities 1706 quri 1671 ieee-floats 1625 static-vectors 1605 fast-io 1547 trivial-types 1545 cl-annot 1536 cl-syntax 1437 utilities.binary-dump 1431 trivial-indent 1364 trivial-mimes 1335 asdf-system-connections 1334 array-utils 1329 symbol-munger 1320 cl-containers 1318 metatilities-base 1318 plump 1302 cl-slice 1296 hunchentoot 1280 access 1267 arnesi 1266 collectors 1258 gettext 1236 djula 1226 cl-parser-combinators 1221 cl-locale 1187 postmodern 1164 rfc2388 1159 yason 1121 simple-date-time 1050 command-line-arguments 956 cl-sqlite 951 cl-log 947 osicat 943 salza2 913 py-configparser 903 cl-markdown 903 asdf-finalizers
October 2017 download stats
Here are the top 100 projects from Quicklisp for October, by "raw" download count.
thank u
ReplyDeleteI collected the download status from previous posts trying to see if CL usage increases. The numbers below are alexandria and slime download status:
ReplyDelete2017 Oct, 16626, 2473
2017 Jul, 11470, 2250
2017 Jun, 9081, 1879
2016 Feb, 5607, 1418
2015 Jun, 8413, 2152
2015 May, 5093, 1658
2015 Mar, 5853, 1493
2015 Feb, 4270, 2063
2015 Jan, 5231, 2770
2013 May, 1971, 1274