13137 alexandria 8723 trivial-features 8303 babel 7185 cffi 7095 bordeaux-threads 6398 trivial-gray-streams 6269 flexi-streams 5246 trivial-garbage 5126 usocket 5072 closer-mop 4989 cl-fad 4772 cl-ppcre 4725 split-sequence 4659 anaphora 4599 cl+ssl 4317 cl-base64 4159 chunga 4097 puri 4022 drakma 3916 iterate 3842 nibbles 3773 chipz 3256 named-readtables 3183 ironclad 2816 md5 2816 local-time 2783 let-plus 2741 slime 2702 uiop 2595 trivial-backtrace 2507 cl-colors 2375 hunchentoot 2313 cl-ansi-text 2263 prove 1924 cl-unicode 1900 rfc2388 1900 metabang-bind 1863 trivial-types 1860 cl-utilities 1821 cl-annot 1806 optima 1777 fiveam 1717 cl-interpol 1700 cl-syntax 1629 static-vectors 1583 trivial-utf-8 1580 quri 1466 parse-number 1450 fast-io 1418 salza2 1322 clack 1313 quicklisp-slime-helper 1296 cl-json 1226 proc-parse 1137 xsubseq 1092 jonathan 1068 fast-http 1036 ieee-floats 1025 osicat 1019 closure-common 1018 lack 959 cxml 957 asdf-system-connections 937 zpb-ttf 935 http-body 914 uuid 897 postmodern 893 hu.dwim.asdf 876 trivial-indent 860 zpng 835 plump 833 cl-dbi 827 esrap 818 fare-utils 813 jsown 812 array-utils 806 cl-who 776 cl-yacc 754 metatilities-base 746 symbol-munger 720 swap-bytes 719 yason 718 cl-containers 711 trivial-mimes 695 fare-quasiquote 687 lisp-unit 686 clss 662 lquery 648 cl-vectors 636 iolib 626 myway 626 map-set 625 parenscript 608 lparallel 607 arnesi 605 log4cl 592 hu.dwim.stefil 588 cl-marshal 585 vom 578 external-program
July 2015 download stats
Here are the top 100 downloads for July, 2015:
Hi Zach,
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