714 alexandria 596 babel 520 trivial-features 503 cffi 450 cl-ppcre 423 trivial-gray-streams 404 usocket 403 flexi-streams 398 bordeaux-threads 393 slime 386 cl+ssl 371 chunga 370 cl-base64 361 cl-fad 339 md5 327 quicklisp-slime-helper 323 trivial-backtrace 321 rfc2388 317 hunchentoot 293 salza2 289 puri 285 closer-mop 225 anaphora 224 parenscript 221 cl-who 207 trivial-garbage 201 iterate 193 cl-vectors 190 zpng 177 asdf-system-connections 174 zpb-ttf 173 uffi 173 metabang-bind 170 split-sequence 164 vecto 163 cl-json 162 cl-containers 161 metatilities-base 159 fare-utils 156 weblocks 156 fare-matcher 148 drakma 144 cl-cont 143 closure-common 140 moptilities 138 f-underscore 137 trivial-timeout 136 metatilities 135 clsql 133 cxmlIt's important to note that this doesn't distinguish between projects that were downloaded to satisfy some other project's dependency list and projects that were explicitly requested.
Project download statistics
Here are the top 50 projects downloaded from Quicklisp, ordered by download count:
Hm, could quicklisp send information in the http headers about which project was originally requested? This would be very interesting, as well!