There will be a number of new projects in the next Quicklisp dist update, including asdf-install, cells (coming back, anyway), cl-geocode, cl-gpu, cl-iconv, cl-mssql, cl-mw, cl-org-mode, cl-popen, cl-proc, cl-quakeinfo, cl-uglify-js, csv-parser, curly, latex-table, proton, sb-vector-io, and spartns.
Yes, asdf-install.
The devil's guide to Quicklisp projects
Stuart Overton asked me "How can I make my projects Quicklisp-friendly?"
Here are some answers to the opposite question: How can you make your projects Quicklisp-hostile?
- Use a name that someone else is already using
- Use SourceForge
- Require extra steps to build, like running a shell script, make, ./configure, etc. outside of the asdf infrastructure
- Require libraries (especially foreign libraries) that are hard to find, hard to build, or both
- Bundle third-party libraries with your project; make sure they are either several versions out of date or locally modified in incompatible ways (stealth forking!)
- Make symlinks a critical part of the build process
- Your project name (cl-foo) should differ from its primary system name (foo, or even better, quux)
- System names should not be boring, so try using mixed-case or exotic characters for your system file names
- Make sure there are multiple forks of the project on github, the original one isn't the canonical one any more
- Depend on your own personal utility library, which is clearly better in many respects than the twelve other utility libraries already available
- Use your implementation's MOP and FFI directly instead of Closer to MOP and CFFI
- Make releases at most once or twice per decade
- Make your system definition be just a thin loader for your complicated loader script, which uses none of the defsystem's infrastructure or configuration
"Old" notes
Here are some notes I wrote to myself from earlier this year. I had been kicking a Quicklisp-like idea around for a while, but these really got me excited about how the whole thing could come together without too much work. They don't reflect the current state of things but they're not far off.
So here's how QuickLisp could work. - archives (tarballs) are built from version control or release tarballs on a given date, probably the first day of the month - they are uploaded to<sha1>/<system>.tgz - e.g. - nah, just go with a date: - - a dependency file shows the system dependencies: - vecto: cl-vectors zpng zpb-ttf - ... - an index file maps system names to URLs: - vecto: - zpng: - there are default index/dependency files at and - publishing the latest index creates two files: the default index files, and year-month/index.txt year-month/dependencies.txt - so there's a metaindex.txt that points to previous versions of the index files - you can choose previous indexes if they work well for you, or if there's some kind of glitch with the defaults - no archive file is ever deleted - authors can provide their own system map and dependency files, so if jimbob wants to hook into the infrastructure, he provides an index file that points to his package, a dependency file that explains the dependencies, and the tarball itself. If there are a number of dependencies that aren't part of the main quicklisp archive, they can all be listed. - some way of prioritizing conflicting information... - metadata for archives: origin (git, darcs, cvs, svn, etc) and date fetched, system files contained within, etcNote that I hadn't decided against WackyCaps for the name yet! The official Quicklisp name now is "Quicklisp", not "QuickLisp."
Client update, ASDF updated to 2.010
I've made some minor changes to the Quicklisp client (the part of Quicklisp that downloads and loads software).
- CMUCL rename-file behavior worked-around
- Windows CCL init file specified more correctly
- HTTP User-Agent string reflects the implementation and version better
I also updated the version of ASDF that comes with Quicklisp to 2.010. See Fare's announcement for details on what's new compared to 2.009.
You can get both of these updates by evaluating (ql:update-client). You will need to restart Lisp for the updates to take effect.
If you run into any problems during or after an update, please email me or post a message to the mailing list.
Volunteer moderators needed
The Quicklisp mailing list is generally unmoderated. However, to reduce spam, a new member's first submission is held in moderation and must be approved or rejected. I try to take care of moderation promptly, but my schedule doesn't always allow for it. I'm looking for a volunteer or two to help me out.
Your duty would be to check your mail for moderation notices and allow any non-spam messages through via the Google Groups moderation web interface. This isn't an editorial position - anything that isn't obvious spam should be allowed. The mail volume has been pretty low, with a handful of messages per week.
Ideal moderators would be in a different timezone than me and check email on weekends and holidays. Anyone in Europe, Asia, Australia, etc, feel like volunteering? If so, please drop me an email.
Your duty would be to check your mail for moderation notices and allow any non-spam messages through via the Google Groups moderation web interface. This isn't an editorial position - anything that isn't obvious spam should be allowed. The mail volume has been pretty low, with a handful of messages per week.
Ideal moderators would be in a different timezone than me and check email on weekends and holidays. Anyone in Europe, Asia, Australia, etc, feel like volunteering? If so, please drop me an email.
Project download statistics
Here are the top 50 projects downloaded from Quicklisp, ordered by download count:
714 alexandria 596 babel 520 trivial-features 503 cffi 450 cl-ppcre 423 trivial-gray-streams 404 usocket 403 flexi-streams 398 bordeaux-threads 393 slime 386 cl+ssl 371 chunga 370 cl-base64 361 cl-fad 339 md5 327 quicklisp-slime-helper 323 trivial-backtrace 321 rfc2388 317 hunchentoot 293 salza2 289 puri 285 closer-mop 225 anaphora 224 parenscript 221 cl-who 207 trivial-garbage 201 iterate 193 cl-vectors 190 zpng 177 asdf-system-connections 174 zpb-ttf 173 uffi 173 metabang-bind 170 split-sequence 164 vecto 163 cl-json 162 cl-containers 161 metatilities-base 159 fare-utils 156 weblocks 156 fare-matcher 148 drakma 144 cl-cont 143 closure-common 140 moptilities 138 f-underscore 137 trivial-timeout 136 metatilities 135 clsql 133 cxmlIt's important to note that this doesn't distinguish between projects that were downloaded to satisfy some other project's dependency list and projects that were explicitly requested.
November Quicklisp dist update
I've pushed out a new version of the standard "quicklisp" dist. To get it, use (ql:update-all-dists). That command will show a summary of the changes and then perform the update. If you encounter any problems when updating, please email me or report it on the Quicklisp discussion group.
There are a few updates and changes I'd like to highlight.
The Weblocks version in the October Quicklisp dist had a performance issue that meant page display was very slow. I believe that issue has been fixed in the version in this update. If you try Weblocks with Quicklisp, please keep an eye out for any lingering performance problems.
Nikodemus recently updated alexandria to lock its package when using SBCL. That means certain kinds of definitions on alexandria symbols from outside the alexandria package signal an error. That triggered a cascade of updates in projects that depend on alexandria; a typical problem was unwitting redefinition of certain alexandria symbols like appendf and make-keyword.
cl-l10n is now included in Quicklisp. It no longer requires a shell script to fetch its Unicode data files. The data files are now part of a new CL project called cl-l10n-cldr. Thanks to Attila Lendvai for making this Quicklisp-friendly change.
There have been a few project removals as well. teepeedee2 does not work with the new Parenscript 2.2, and its author, John Fremlin, indicated he would not track Parenscript updates. Rather than include a project that doesn't build, I have left teepeedee2 out of the dist. Kenny Tilton's cells no longer compiles on SBCL because it relies on an Allegro-specific keyword for make-hash-table. He indicated he wouldn't make updates just to make it work on SBCL, so at the moment, it is not included in the dist. If you're happily using cells or teepeedee2 with Quicklisp, you can keep using them by not updating your dist. update Kenny just updated Cells and it builds again, so it'll be in the next dist update.
I missed a few project updates, including cl-proc and cl-clon. They will be included in the next dist update. If there are other projects you want to see included in Quicklisp, please create an issue for it on GitHub.
Finally, last week I put out a request for donations on twitter. The generosity of Quicklisp users has been remarkable, and I was able to purchase enough new computer bits and pieces to get a very fast Quicklisp build and test server. It's about twice as fast as doing builds on a Linux VM on my Macbook, and that improved performance helped me get this dist update up faster. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed! If haven't contributed but you'd like to, see the Donate button on
There are a few updates and changes I'd like to highlight.
The Weblocks version in the October Quicklisp dist had a performance issue that meant page display was very slow. I believe that issue has been fixed in the version in this update. If you try Weblocks with Quicklisp, please keep an eye out for any lingering performance problems.
Nikodemus recently updated alexandria to lock its package when using SBCL. That means certain kinds of definitions on alexandria symbols from outside the alexandria package signal an error. That triggered a cascade of updates in projects that depend on alexandria; a typical problem was unwitting redefinition of certain alexandria symbols like appendf and make-keyword.
cl-l10n is now included in Quicklisp. It no longer requires a shell script to fetch its Unicode data files. The data files are now part of a new CL project called cl-l10n-cldr. Thanks to Attila Lendvai for making this Quicklisp-friendly change.
There have been a few project removals as well. teepeedee2 does not work with the new Parenscript 2.2, and its author, John Fremlin, indicated he would not track Parenscript updates. Rather than include a project that doesn't build, I have left teepeedee2 out of the dist. Kenny Tilton's cells no longer compiles on SBCL because it relies on an Allegro-specific keyword for make-hash-table. He indicated he wouldn't make updates just to make it work on SBCL, so at the moment, it is not included in the dist. If you're happily using cells or teepeedee2 with Quicklisp, you can keep using them by not updating your dist. update Kenny just updated Cells and it builds again, so it'll be in the next dist update.
I missed a few project updates, including cl-proc and cl-clon. They will be included in the next dist update. If there are other projects you want to see included in Quicklisp, please create an issue for it on GitHub.
Finally, last week I put out a request for donations on twitter. The generosity of Quicklisp users has been remarkable, and I was able to purchase enough new computer bits and pieces to get a very fast Quicklisp build and test server. It's about twice as fast as doing builds on a Linux VM on my Macbook, and that improved performance helped me get this dist update up faster. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed! If haven't contributed but you'd like to, see the Donate button on
Updates coming within the week
I hope to get software update out within the week. Here's a preliminary report on the differences between the October dist and the November dist:
New projects: beirc-20101103-cvs chronicity-v0.2.6 cl-bencode-20101103-git cl-crc64-20101103-git cl-l10n-cldr-20101103-darcs cl-l10n-20101103-darcs cl-sphinx-20101103-git cl-test-more-20101103-git cl-uglify-js-20101103-git cl-v4l2-20101103-git clfswm-20101103-svn css-lite-20101103-git gbbopen-20101103-svn hu.dwim.wui-20101103-darcs hunchentoot-auth-20101103-git hunchentoot-cgi-20101103-git hunchentoot-vhost-20101103-git loopless-20101103-git manardb-20101103-git nuclblog-20101103-git pileup-20101103-git restas-directory-publisher-20101103-git restas-20101103-git sb-cga-20101103-git xml-match-20101103-git Updated projects: alexandria-20101006-git -> alexandria-20101103-git aromyxo-20101006-git -> aromyxo-20101103-git babel-20101006-darcs -> babel-20101103-darcs blackthorn-engine-20101006-hg -> blackthorn-engine-20101103-hg chillax-20101006-git -> chillax-20101103-git cl-closure-template-20101006-git -> cl-closure-template-20101103-git cl-devil-20101006-git -> cl-devil-20101103-git cl-glfw-20101006-git -> cl-glfw-20101103-git cl-jpeg-20101006-http -> cl-jpeg-20101103-http cl-mongo-20101006-git -> cl-mongo-20101103-git cl-opengl-20101006-git -> cl-opengl-20101103-git cl-pdf-20101006-svn -> cl-pdf-20101103-svn cl-random-20101006-git -> cl-random-20101103-git cl-routes-20101006-git -> cl-routes-20101103-git cl-skip-list-20101006-git -> cl-skip-list-20101103-git cl-smtp-20101006-http -> cl-smtp-20101103-http cl-syslog-20101006-http -> cl-syslog-20101103-http cl-zmq-20101006-git -> cl-zmq-20101103-git clon-20101006-git -> clon-20101103-git closer-mop-20101006-darcs -> closer-mop-20101103-darcs closure-common-20101006-git -> closure-common-20101103-git clpython-20101006-git -> clpython-20101103-git cxml-stp-2008-11-30 -> cxml-stp-20101103-git cxml-20101006-git -> cxml-20101103-git dbus-20101006-git -> dbus-20101103-git eager-future-20101006-darcs -> eager-future-20101103-git f2cl-20101006-cvs -> f2cl-20101103-cvs fare-matcher-20101006-git -> fare-matcher-20101103-git fare-utils-20101006-git -> fare-utils-20101103-git folio-20101006-git -> folio-20101103-git glaw-20101006-git -> glaw-20101103-git glop-20101006-git -> glop-20101103-git gsll-20101006-git -> gsll-20101103-git hu.dwim.asdf-20101006-darcs -> hu.dwim.asdf-20101103-darcs hu.dwim.computed-class-20101006-darcs -> hu.dwim.computed-class-20101103-darcs hu.dwim.logger-20101006-darcs -> hu.dwim.logger-20101103-darcs hu.dwim.perec-20101006-darcs -> hu.dwim.perec-20101103-darcs hu.dwim.rdbms-20101006-darcs -> hu.dwim.rdbms-20101103-darcs hu.dwim.stefil-20101006-darcs -> hu.dwim.stefil-20101103-darcs hu.dwim.syntax-sugar-20101006-darcs -> hu.dwim.syntax-sugar-20101103-darcs hu.dwim.util-20101006-darcs -> hu.dwim.util-20101103-darcs hu.dwim.walker-20101006-darcs -> hu.dwim.walker-20101103-darcs iolib-0.7.1 -> iolib-0.7.3 js-20101006-git -> js-20101103-git lift-20101006-git -> lift-20101103-git linedit-20101006-cvs -> linedit-20101103-git lispbuilder-20101006-svn -> lispbuilder-20101103-svn lla-20101006-git -> lla-20101103-git montezuma-20101006-svn -> montezuma-20101103-svn parenscript-2.1 -> parenscript-2.2 parse-js-20101006-git -> parse-js-20101103-git plokami-1.4 -> plokami-20101103-git postmodern-20101006-git -> postmodern-20101103-git quicklisp-slime-helper-20101006-git -> quicklisp-slime-helper-20101103-git quickproject-20101006-git -> quickproject-20101103-git scribble-20101006-git -> scribble-20101103-git shuffletron-20101006-git -> shuffletron-20101103-git slime-20101006-cvs -> slime-20101103-cvs st-json-20101006-darcs -> st-json-20101103-git stefil-20101006-http -> stefil-20101103-darcs sw-mvc-20101006-git -> sw-mvc-20101103-git symbolicweb-20101006-git -> symbolicweb-20101103-git tpapp-utils-20101006-git -> tpapp-utils-20101103-git uffi-20101006-git -> uffi-20101103-git weblocks-20101006-hg -> weblocks-20101103-hg yason-20101006-svn -> yason-20101103-git zip-20101006-cvs -> zip-20101103-cvsIf there are projects you want to see added, please open a GitHub issue for them.