- 3b-swf
- 3bil
- adw-charting
- alexandria
- anaphora
- archive
- arnesi
- aromyxo
- array-operations
- asdf-system-connections
- asn.1
- babel
- binary-types
- binge
- bknr-datastore
- black-tie
- blackthorn-engine
- bordeaux-fft
- bordeaux-threads
- buildapp
- calispel
- cells
- cffi
- ch-image
- ch-util
- chillax
- chipz
- chunga
- cl+ssl
- cl-base64
- cl-cairo2
- cl-cli-parser
- cl-closure-template
- cl-colors
- cl-cont
- cl-containers
- cl-ctrnn
- cl-data-format-validation
- cl-devil
- cl-difflib
- cl-docutils
- cl-dot
- cl-fad
- cl-fftw3
- cl-ftp
- cl-gd
- cl-geometry
- cl-graph
- cl-growl
- cl-gtk2
- cl-heap
- cl-heredoc
- cl-html-diff
- cl-i18n
- cl-interpol
- cl-irc
- cl-irregsexp
- cl-jpeg
- cl-jpl-util
- cl-json
- cl-lex
- cl-libxml2
- cl-m4
- cl-markdown
- cl-modlisp
- cl-mongo
- cl-ncurses
- cl-num-utils
- cl-oauth
- cl-openal
- cl-opengl
- cl-pdf
- cl-photo
- cl-png (new)
- cl-ppcre
- cl-prevalence
- cl-qprint
- cl-random
- cl-rcfiles
- cl-redis
- cl-routes
- cl-rss
- cl-s3
- cl-sasl
- cl-skip-list
- cl-smtp
- cl-soap
- cl-sqlite
- cl-store
- cl-typesetting
- cl-unicode
- cl-unification
- cl-utilities
- cl-vectors
- cl-webdav
- cl-who
- cl-xmpp
- cl-yacc
- cl-zmq
- clem
- cleric
- clon
- clonsigna
- closer-mop
- closure-common
- closure-html
- clot
- clouchdb
- clpython
- clsql
- cluck
- clws
- clx
- colorize
- command-line-arguments
- conduit-packages
- conium
- contextl
- cxml-rng
- cxml-rpc
- cxml-stp
- cxml
- date-calc
- declt
- defsystem-compatibility
- documentation-template
- drakma
- dynamic-classes
- eager-future
- eos
- esrap
- evol
- external-program
- f-underscore
- f2cl
- fare-csv
- fare-matcher
- fare-utils
- fcgi
- ffa
- fft
- fiveam
- flexi-streams
- flexichain
- folio
- fsbv
- fset
- garbage-pools
- genhash
- getopt
- glaw
- glop
- graphic-forms
- graylex
- gsd
- gsll
- gtfl
- gzip-stream
- hemlock
- ht-simple-ajax
- html-encode
- html-template
- hu.dwim.asdf
- hu.dwim.common-lisp
- hu.dwim.common
- hu.dwim.computed-class
- hu.dwim.def
- hu.dwim.defclass-star
- hu.dwim.delico
- hu.dwim.logger
- hu.dwim.partial-eval
- hu.dwim.perec
- hu.dwim.quasi-quote
- hu.dwim.rdbms
- hu.dwim.reiterate
- hu.dwim.serializer
- hu.dwim.stefil
- hu.dwim.syntax-sugar
- hu.dwim.util
- hu.dwim.walker
- hunchentoot
- hyperobject
- ie3fp
- ieee-floats
- imago
- incf-cl
- iolib
- irc-logger
- ironclad
- iterate
- jpl-queues
- js
- jsown
- jwacs
- kmrcl
- l-math
- levenshtein
- lift
- linedit
- lisp-magick
- lisp-on-lines
- lisp-unit
- lispbuilder
- lla
- lml
- lml2
- local-time
- log5
- ltk
- lw-compat
- magicffi
- mcclim
- md5
- mel-base
- meta
- metabang-bind
- metacopy
- meta-sexp (new)
- metatilities-base
- metatilities
- micmac
- mime4cl
- misc-extensions
- mixalot
- montezuma
- moptilities
- mt19937
- mw-equiv
- named-readtables
- net-telent-date
- net4cl
- npg
- nst
- oct
- odd-streams
- ods4cl
- okra
- osicat
- parenscript
- parse-declarations
- parse-js
- parse-number
- patron
- pcall
- pg
- pipes
- pithy-xml
- plexippus-xpath
- plokami
- png-read
- portable-threads
- portableaserve
- postmodern
- postoffice
- prepl
- protobuf
- psgraph
- ptester
- pubmed
- puri
- py-configparser
- py-configvalidator (new)
- quicklisp-slime-helper
- quickproject
- rcl
- regex
- relational-objects-for-lisp
- retrospectiff
- reversi
- rfc2109
- rfc2388-binary
- rfc2388
- rfc3339-timestamp
- rlc
- rpc4cl
- rt
- rucksack
- rutils
- s-base64
- s-http-client
- s-sysdeps
- s-utils
- s-xml-rpc
- s-xml
- salza2
- sclf
- scribble
- series
- sheeple
- simple-date-time
- simple-finalizer
- simpsamp
- skippy
- slime
- smtp4cl
- snmp
- soundex
- spatial-trees
- split-sequence
- st-json
- static-vectors
- stefil
- string-case
- sw-db
- sw-http
- sw-mvc
- sw-stm
- symbolicweb
- tbnl
- teepeedee2
- tilde
- tinaa
- tpapp-utils
- trees
- trivial-backtrace
- trivial-features
- trivial-garbage
- trivial-gray-streams
- trivial-http
- trivial-ldap
- trivial-shell
- trivial-timeout
- trivial-utf-8
- ucw
- uffi
- umlisp-orf
- umlisp
- unit-test
- unix-options
- until-it-dies
- url-rewrite
- usocket-udp
- usocket
- utils-kt
- uuid
- vcs-tree
- vecto
- verrazano
- weblocks
- wiki-parser
- xarray
- xlunit
- xmls
- xptest
- xuriella
- yaclml
- yason
- zcdb
- zlib
- zpb-exif
- zpb-ttf
- zpng
- zs3
Quicklisp projects: what's missing?
Here are the projects in Quicklisp right now:
[hm. could you add a proper comment-function to your blog. I like to comment with my name and URL rather that with my wordpress-account.]
Thanks, added cl-png.
ReplyDeletecl-twitter doesn't build and I got no response from the author when I asked for guidance.
A math library, such as lisplab or matlisp would be cool. Also I would like to use elephant somewhen in the future.
ReplyDeleteI'll check out matlisp & lisplab, thanks.
ReplyDeleteElephant can't be built without manual pre-configuration. That makes it hard to add to Quicklisp.
Matlisp's ./configure && make steps make it hard to add to Quicklisp at this time, sorry. And matlisp is a requirement of lisplab.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDo these qualify?
ReplyDeletes-dot: http://www.martin-loetzsch.de/S-DOT/
squirl: http://github.com/sykopomp/squirl
cl actors: http://github.com/naveensundarg/Common-Lisp-Actors
Almost all the various parts of lispbuilder are included in the lispbuilder umbrella project.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@jast: Thanks! I added s-dot. I'll check with sykopomp re: squirl. And unfortunately, common-lisp-actors does not build due to its use of the #.*standard-output* construct.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
csv-parser (no asd file)
@Lispelot: thanks, just added cl-log, cl-html-parse, and s-protobuf. rdnzl doesn't build for me.
ReplyDeletelisplab is a fork of matlisp, AFAIK there is no dependency.
ReplyDelete@fendres: Oh, ok. Well, it doesn't build for me, anyway. I'll look into it.
ReplyDeleteFemlisp also looks like a good candidate: http://www.femlisp.org/
ReplyDelete@jast: Thanks, added femlisp.
ReplyDeleteA variety of ideas: Trivial-timers, commonqt, bknr-web, trubanc, gbbopen, antiweb, cl-dbus, cl-ec2, cl-paypal, cl-lastfm, cl-github, cl-twit, cl-peg, eager-future and bk-tree.
ReplyDelete-- Trivial-timers appears to be the only portable lisp timer lib. Playing with it tonight it appears to work in latest SBCL, CCL and ECL.
-- CommonQT would be worth including to make both QT and GTK bindings available.
Personally I think it's a little sad we're not listing interesting and cool programs like shuffletron and stumpwm but I can understand that and I'm sure they'll be easy to add.
cl-emb (http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-emb/)
ReplyDeleteasdf-binary-locations, however maybe something else on your list provides the same functionality - I do not know.
ReplyDelete@Redline6561: I added several of those. Some don't build for me.
ReplyDelete@okflo: Added.
@Gregory Tod: Quicklisp uses asdf2, which has functionality built-in that is similar to asdf-binary-locations.
Thanks! I just can't stop loading random libraries with multiple dependencies and being happy that they simply "arrive" in my image. :)
ReplyDeletePlease add "iconv" project.
can you add lispbuilder ? thanks
ReplyDeleteLispbuilder is already in there.
ReplyDeletecl-curl would be nice
ReplyDeletecl-curl is a bit hard to build. Drakma is more capable.