- 3b-swf
- 3bil
- adw-charting
- alexandria
- anaphora
- archive
- arnesi
- aromyxo
- array-operations
- asdf-system-connections
- asn.1
- babel
- binary-types
- binge
- bknr-datastore
- black-tie
- blackthorn-engine
- bordeaux-fft
- bordeaux-threads
- buildapp
- calispel
- cells
- cffi
- ch-image
- ch-util
- chillax
- chipz
- chunga
- cl+ssl
- cl-base64
- cl-cairo2
- cl-cli-parser
- cl-closure-template
- cl-colors
- cl-cont
- cl-containers
- cl-ctrnn
- cl-data-format-validation
- cl-devil
- cl-difflib
- cl-docutils
- cl-dot
- cl-fad
- cl-fftw3
- cl-ftp
- cl-gd
- cl-geometry
- cl-graph
- cl-growl
- cl-gtk2
- cl-heap
- cl-heredoc
- cl-html-diff
- cl-i18n
- cl-interpol
- cl-irc
- cl-irregsexp
- cl-jpeg
- cl-jpl-util
- cl-json
- cl-lex
- cl-libxml2
- cl-m4
- cl-markdown
- cl-modlisp
- cl-mongo
- cl-ncurses
- cl-num-utils
- cl-oauth
- cl-openal
- cl-opengl
- cl-pdf
- cl-photo
- cl-png (new)
- cl-ppcre
- cl-prevalence
- cl-qprint
- cl-random
- cl-rcfiles
- cl-redis
- cl-routes
- cl-rss
- cl-s3
- cl-sasl
- cl-skip-list
- cl-smtp
- cl-soap
- cl-sqlite
- cl-store
- cl-typesetting
- cl-unicode
- cl-unification
- cl-utilities
- cl-vectors
- cl-webdav
- cl-who
- cl-xmpp
- cl-yacc
- cl-zmq
- clem
- cleric
- clon
- clonsigna
- closer-mop
- closure-common
- closure-html
- clot
- clouchdb
- clpython
- clsql
- cluck
- clws
- clx
- colorize
- command-line-arguments
- conduit-packages
- conium
- contextl
- cxml-rng
- cxml-rpc
- cxml-stp
- cxml
- date-calc
- declt
- defsystem-compatibility
- documentation-template
- drakma
- dynamic-classes
- eager-future
- eos
- esrap
- evol
- external-program
- f-underscore
- f2cl
- fare-csv
- fare-matcher
- fare-utils
- fcgi
- ffa
- fft
- fiveam
- flexi-streams
- flexichain
- folio
- fsbv
- fset
- garbage-pools
- genhash
- getopt
- glaw
- glop
- graphic-forms
- graylex
- gsd
- gsll
- gtfl
- gzip-stream
- hemlock
- ht-simple-ajax
- html-encode
- html-template
- hu.dwim.asdf
- hu.dwim.common-lisp
- hu.dwim.common
- hu.dwim.computed-class
- hu.dwim.def
- hu.dwim.defclass-star
- hu.dwim.delico
- hu.dwim.logger
- hu.dwim.partial-eval
- hu.dwim.perec
- hu.dwim.quasi-quote
- hu.dwim.rdbms
- hu.dwim.reiterate
- hu.dwim.serializer
- hu.dwim.stefil
- hu.dwim.syntax-sugar
- hu.dwim.util
- hu.dwim.walker
- hunchentoot
- hyperobject
- ie3fp
- ieee-floats
- imago
- incf-cl
- iolib
- irc-logger
- ironclad
- iterate
- jpl-queues
- js
- jsown
- jwacs
- kmrcl
- l-math
- levenshtein
- lift
- linedit
- lisp-magick
- lisp-on-lines
- lisp-unit
- lispbuilder
- lla
- lml
- lml2
- local-time
- log5
- ltk
- lw-compat
- magicffi
- mcclim
- md5
- mel-base
- meta
- metabang-bind
- metacopy
- meta-sexp (new)
- metatilities-base
- metatilities
- micmac
- mime4cl
- misc-extensions
- mixalot
- montezuma
- moptilities
- mt19937
- mw-equiv
- named-readtables
- net-telent-date
- net4cl
- npg
- nst
- oct
- odd-streams
- ods4cl
- okra
- osicat
- parenscript
- parse-declarations
- parse-js
- parse-number
- patron
- pcall
- pg
- pipes
- pithy-xml
- plexippus-xpath
- plokami
- png-read
- portable-threads
- portableaserve
- postmodern
- postoffice
- prepl
- protobuf
- psgraph
- ptester
- pubmed
- puri
- py-configparser
- py-configvalidator (new)
- quicklisp-slime-helper
- quickproject
- rcl
- regex
- relational-objects-for-lisp
- retrospectiff
- reversi
- rfc2109
- rfc2388-binary
- rfc2388
- rfc3339-timestamp
- rlc
- rpc4cl
- rt
- rucksack
- rutils
- s-base64
- s-http-client
- s-sysdeps
- s-utils
- s-xml-rpc
- s-xml
- salza2
- sclf
- scribble
- series
- sheeple
- simple-date-time
- simple-finalizer
- simpsamp
- skippy
- slime
- smtp4cl
- snmp
- soundex
- spatial-trees
- split-sequence
- st-json
- static-vectors
- stefil
- string-case
- sw-db
- sw-http
- sw-mvc
- sw-stm
- symbolicweb
- tbnl
- teepeedee2
- tilde
- tinaa
- tpapp-utils
- trees
- trivial-backtrace
- trivial-features
- trivial-garbage
- trivial-gray-streams
- trivial-http
- trivial-ldap
- trivial-shell
- trivial-timeout
- trivial-utf-8
- ucw
- uffi
- umlisp-orf
- umlisp
- unit-test
- unix-options
- until-it-dies
- url-rewrite
- usocket-udp
- usocket
- utils-kt
- uuid
- vcs-tree
- vecto
- verrazano
- weblocks
- wiki-parser
- xarray
- xlunit
- xmls
- xptest
- xuriella
- yaclml
- yason
- zcdb
- zlib
- zpb-exif
- zpb-ttf
- zpng
- zs3
Quicklisp projects: what's missing?
Here are the projects in Quicklisp right now:
Kind words from Jorge Tavares
Jorge Tavares wrote about his experience trying Quicklisp, and he is very enthusiastic about it.
One passage that struck me:
I used to try to install libraries by hand only to find they had a number of dependencies, and those dependencies had dependencies, and they were sometimes unavailable, hard to find, time-consuming to install, etc. But now, when wearing my Quicklisp Library Hunter hat, I'm delighted to find things that have dependencies that aren't in Quicklisp already. That means I have an opportunity to grow Quicklisp with a set of new, hopefully-useful libraries. The more dependencies, the better! It's taken a source of pain and turned it into a source of excitement, and that's helped avoid burnout working on Quicklisp.
One passage that struck me:
No more worries about how to install a library and dependencies. After a while, you even start installing things just for the fun of it!
I used to try to install libraries by hand only to find they had a number of dependencies, and those dependencies had dependencies, and they were sometimes unavailable, hard to find, time-consuming to install, etc. But now, when wearing my Quicklisp Library Hunter hat, I'm delighted to find things that have dependencies that aren't in Quicklisp already. That means I have an opportunity to grow Quicklisp with a set of new, hopefully-useful libraries. The more dependencies, the better! It's taken a source of pain and turned it into a source of excitement, and that's helped avoid burnout working on Quicklisp.
Hans Hübner on Quicklisp
Hans Hübner wrote a nice article about Quicklisp on his blog today:
I hope other people find it just as easy.
...I thought I'd give Quicklisp a spin. After all, parsing some XML and sending HTTP requests are no big deal in Common Lisp either, and an OAuth library is available, too. With Quicklisp, all it should take was write some glue code to connect DRAKMA, CXML, cl-ppcre and cl-oauth. Installing the bunch should be a matter of loading quicklisp.lisp, then typing (ql:quickload `("drakma" "cxml" "cl-ppcre" "cl-oauth")) and watching the show scroll by.
And hey, it worked right away. I even embedded a web server in the gateway application so that it can be monitored by the system status monitors provided by my hosting provider. All in all, rewriting the thing in Common Lisp and deploying it took no longer than two hours, and the source is not significantly longer than the Clojure version either. Furthermore, the new gateway properly deals with non-ASCII characters. Embarrassingly, the Clojure gateway was buggy in that respect and never properly twittered the titles of my own blog posts. Thanks, Zach!
I hope other people find it just as easy.