Today (December 31) is the last day for the Quicklisp appreciation fundraiser. It has met and exceeded the matching fund goal by a wide margin. I am so thankful of all the support for this fundraiser, but also for the many kind words of appreciation, and for the "Quicklisp supporter club" donors, over the years. The positive feedback has made the work very satisfying.
Thank you, and best wishes for a happy 2017!
December 2016 Quicklisp dist update now available
Note: The Quicklisp fundraiser is up and running. If you appreciate Quicklisp, please contribute if you can.
New projects:
Removed projects: cl-xspf, date-calc, elephant, html-entities, lambda-gtk, perfpiece, quicksearch, usocket-udp.
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Enjoy!
New projects:
- cl-digraph — Simple directed graphs for Common Lisp. — MIT/X11
- cl-directed-graph — Directed graph data structure — MIT
- format-string-builder — A DSL wrapping cl:format's syntax with something more lispy. — MIT
- hunchentools — Hunchentoot utility library — MIT
- l-system — L-system or Lindenmayer system on lists — GPLv3+
- parser.common-rules — Provides common parsing rules that are useful in many grammars. — MIT
- parser.ini — Provides parsing of Ini expressions. — LLGPLv3
- postmodernity — Utility library for the Common Lisp Postmodern library — MIT
- stl — Load triangle data from binary stereolithography (STL) files. — ISC
- whofields — HTML field rendering and input validation utilities written in Common Lisp — MIT
Removed projects: cl-xspf, date-calc, elephant, html-entities, lambda-gtk, perfpiece, quicksearch, usocket-udp.
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Enjoy!
October 2016 Quicklisp dist update now available
New projects:
Removed projects: asn.1, cl-bacteria, cl-binary-file, cl-btree, cl-ntriples, cl-op, cl-swap-file, cl-wal, cl-web-crawler, doplus, esrap-peg.
There are more removed projects than usual this month. asn.1 was removed by request of the author. esrap-peg no longer builds - it may be back soon. All the others are victims of Google Code and SourceForge. Their code can no longer be easily checked out or updated, they don't affect other projects, and nobody has come forward to move them somewhere else and maintain them. If you miss any of those projects, feel free to take it over and let me know.
To get this month's update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Enjoy!
- architecture.builder-protocol — Protocol and framework for building parse results and other object graphs. — LLGPLv3
- cepl.drm-gbm — DRM/GBM host for cepl — BSD 3-Clause
- cl-association-rules — An implementation of the apriori algorithm to mine association rules in Common Lisp. — MIT
- cl-change-case — Convert strings between camelCase, param-case, PascalCase and more — LLGPL
- cl-drm — Common Lisp bindings for libdrm — BSD 3-Clause
- cl-egl — Common Lisp wrapper for libEGL — BSD 3-Clause
- cl-gbm — Common Lisp wrapper for libgbm — BSD 3-Clause
- cl-wayland — libwayland bindings for Common Lisp — BSD 3-Clause
- cl-xkb — Common Lisp wrapper for libxkb — BSD 3-Clause
- cltcl — Embed Tcl/Tk scripts in Common Lisp — MIT
- diff-match-patch — A Common Lisp port of Neil Fraser's library of the same name — Apache 2.0
- exit-hooks — Call registered function when Common Lisp Exits. — BSD
- grovel-locally — Grovel using cffi and cache the result locally to the system — BSD 2 Clause
- portable-threads — Portable Threads — Apache License 2.0
Removed projects: asn.1, cl-bacteria, cl-binary-file, cl-btree, cl-ntriples, cl-op, cl-swap-file, cl-wal, cl-web-crawler, doplus, esrap-peg.
There are more removed projects than usual this month. asn.1 was removed by request of the author. esrap-peg no longer builds - it may be back soon. All the others are victims of Google Code and SourceForge. Their code can no longer be easily checked out or updated, they don't affect other projects, and nobody has come forward to move them somewhere else and maintain them. If you miss any of those projects, feel free to take it over and let me know.
To get this month's update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Enjoy!
Projects on the bubble
This month there are a number of projects that may be dropped from Quicklisp. They are hosted by Google Code and SourceForge, and the projects no longer check out properly. They are:
- cl-bacteria
- cl-binary-file
- cl-btree
- cl-ntriples
- cl-op
- cl-swap-file
- cl-wal
- cl-web-crawler
- cl-xspf
- doplus
- html-entities
Each of these projects was downloaded between 4 and 6 times in the month of September. (No project in the entire dist was downloaded fewer than 4 times.)
I'm going to do some build-testing and see how widely this will impact other projects. If the damage is minimal, they will simply be dropped.
I'm going to do some build-testing and see how widely this will impact other projects. If the damage is minimal, they will simply be dropped.
If you maintain (or want to maintain) one of these projects and want to see it remain in Quicklisp, please update its hosting and then get in touch.
September 2016 Quicklisp dist update now available
New projects:
Removed projects: agm, ax.tga, cl-ecs, cl-marklogic, com.informatimago.
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").
- 3d-matrices — A utility library implementing 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, and NxN matrix functionality. — Artistic
- a-cl-logger — A logger that sends to multiple destinations in multiple formats. Based on arnesi logger — BSD
- alexa — A lexical analyzer generator — BSD 3-clause (See LICENSE.txt)
- beast — Basic Entity/Aspect/System Toolkit — MIT/X11
- cl-ascii-art — Ascii Art generating routines. — GPLv3
- cl-bootstrap — Twitter Bootstrap widget library for Common Lisp — MIT
- cl-cuda — Cl-cuda is a library to use NVIDIA CUDA in Common Lisp programs. — LLGPL
- cl-kanren — A minikanren implementation — BSD
- easy-audio — A pack of audio decoders for FLAC, WavPack and other formats — 2-clause BSD
- fxml — Fork of CXML. — LLGPL
- infix-math — An extensible infix syntax for math in Common Lisp. — MIT
- mgl-mat — MAT is library for working with multi-dimensional arrays which supports efficient interfacing to foreign and CUDA code. BLAS and CUBLAS bindings are available. — MIT
- parachute — An extensible and cross-compatible testing framework. — Artistic
- scalpl — market maker + APIs to several Bitcoin exchanges — public domain
- trivial-mmap — A library providing an easy-to-use API for working with memory-mapped files. — Public Domain
- utility-arguments — Utility to handle command-line arguments. — ICS
Removed projects: agm, ax.tga, cl-ecs, cl-marklogic, com.informatimago.
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").
August 2016 Quicklisp dist update now available
New projects:
Removed projects: scalpl.
- assoc-utils — Utilities for manipulating association lists — Public Domain
- caveman2-widgets-bootstrap — An extension to caveman2-widgets which enables the simple usage of Twitter Bootstrap. — LLGPL
- cells — A Common Lisp implementation of the dataflow programming paradigm — LLGPL
- cl-mpg123 — Bindings to libmpg123, providing cross-platform, fast MPG1/2/3 decoding. — Artistic
- cl-neovim — Common Lisp client for Neovim — MIT
- cl-out123 — Bindings to libout123, providing cross-platform audio output. — Artistic
- cl-soil — A thin binding over which allows easy loading of images — BSD 2 Clause
- cl-sxml — SXML parsing for Common Lisp — GNU General Public License
- clump — Library for operations on different kinds of trees — FreeBSD, see file LICENSE.text
- dirt — A front-end for cl-soil which loads images straight to cepl:c-arrays and cepl:textures — BSD 2 Clause
- ext-blog — A BLOG engine which supports custom theme — BSD
- for — An extensible iteration macro library. — Artistic
- git-file-history — Retrieve a file's commit history in Git. — MIT
- illogical-pathnames — Mostly filesystem-position-independent pathnames. — BSD 3-clause (See illogical-pathnames.lisp)
- maxpc — Max's Parser Combinators: a simple and pragmatic library for writing parsers and lexers based on combinatory parsing. — GNU Affero General Public License
- parse-front-matter — Parse front matter. — MIT
- path-string — A path utility library — MIT
- pseudonyms — Relative package nicknames through macros — FreeBSD (BSD 2-clause)
- — Common Lisp implementation of Graham Cormode and S. Muthukrishnan's Effective Computation of Biased Quantiles over Data Streams in ICDE'05 — MIT
- queen.lisp — Chess utilities for Common Lisp — MIT
- read-number — Definitions for reading numbers from an input stream. — Modified BSD License
- simple-gui — A declarative GUI definition tool for Common Lisp — BSD
- slack-client — Slack Real Time Messaging API Client — Apache-2.0
- trivial-rfc-1123 — minimal parsing of rfc-1123 date-time strings — MIT
- with-cached-reader-conditionals — Read whilst collection reader conditionals — BSD 2 Clause
Removed projects: scalpl.
June 2016 Quicklisp dist update now available
New projects:
Removed projects: backports, ext-blog, stp-query, and stringprep have all been abandoned by their author and deleted from github. cells no longer builds on SBCL, and ext-blog no longer builds at all.
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").
The big Quicklisp fundraiser is still in limbo. Until it happens, if you want to contribute a little every month, see the (unfortunately PayPal-only) donations page.
- cl-libfarmhash — Common Lisp Binding for Google's Farmhash. — MIT
- cl-libhoedown — Common Lisp Binding for Hoedown. — MIT
- cl-sat — Common Lisp API to Boolean SAT Solvers — LLGPL
- cl-sat.glucose — CL-SAT instance to Glucose state-of-the-art SAT solver. This downloads the later 2014 version (2nd in the 2014 SAT competition). — LLGPL
- cl-sat.minisat — Common Lisp API to minisat — LLGPL
- floating-point-contractions — Numerically stable contractions of floating-point operations. — MIT
- metering — Portable Code Profiling Tool — Public Domain
- neo4cl — Basic library for interacting with Neo4J — MIT license
- network-addresses — A network addresses manipulation library. — MIT
- ugly-tiny-infix-macro — A tiny and simple macro to allow writing binary operations in infix notation — Apache License, Version 2.0
Removed projects: backports, ext-blog, stp-query, and stringprep have all been abandoned by their author and deleted from github. cells no longer builds on SBCL, and ext-blog no longer builds at all.
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").
The big Quicklisp fundraiser is still in limbo. Until it happens, if you want to contribute a little every month, see the (unfortunately PayPal-only) donations page.
May 2016 Quicklisp dist update now available
New projects:
To get this update, use: (ql:update-dist "quicklisp")
You didn't miss it -- there wasn't a fundraiser in April. Or May, either. I've got my fingers crossed to see one soon, but I'm not sure exactly when it might happen. Stay tuned!
- cl-ecs — An implementation of the Entity-Component-System pattern mostly used in game development. — MIT
- cl-htmlprag — A port of Neil Van Dyke's famous HTMLPrag library to Common Lisp. — LGPL 2.1
- cl-messagepack-rpc — A Common Lisp implementation of the MessagePack-RPC specification, which uses MessagePack serialization format to achieve efficient remote procedure calls (RPCs). — MIT
- cl-monitors — Bindings to libmonitors, allowing the handling of monitors querying and resolution changing. — Artistic
- cl-oclapi — Yet another OpenCL API bindings for Common Lisp. — MIT
- cl-pack — Perl compatible binary pack() and unpack() library — BSD-3-Clause
- cl-scan — port scanner. — ISC
- cl-scsu — An implementation of 'Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode'. — MIT
- clack-static-asset-middleware — A cache busting static file middleware for the clack web framework. — MIT
- easing — Easing functions. — MIT
- fare-scripts — Various small programs that I write in CL in lieu of shell scripts — MIT
- fixed — A fixed-point number type. — MIT
- focus — Customizable FORMAT strings and directives — BSD
- glsl-spec — The GLSL Spec as a datastructure — The Unlicense
- injection — Dependency injection for Common Lisp — GPLv3
- json-mop — A metaclass for bridging CLOS and JSON — LGPLv3+
- leveldb — LevelDB bindings for Common Lisp. — BSD
- moira — Monitor and restart background threads. — MIT
- recursive-restart — Restarts that can invoke themselves. — MIT
- trivial-nntp — Simple tools for interfacing to NNTP servers — MIT
- trivial-openstack — A simple Common Lisp OpenStack REST client. — MIT
- trivial-yenc — Decode yenc file to a binary file — MIT
- weblocks-prototype-js — Weblocks JavaScript backend for PrototypeJs — LLGPL
To get this update, use: (ql:update-dist "quicklisp")
You didn't miss it -- there wasn't a fundraiser in April. Or May, either. I've got my fingers crossed to see one soon, but I'm not sure exactly when it might happen. Stay tuned!
April 2016 Quicklisp dist update now available.
Quicklisp's 67th monthly update is now available!
Thank you to all the people who signed up for the recurring Supporter Club in the last month. The "big" fundraiser is still in the works, and I'll let you know more when there's more info to share.
New projects:
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").
Thank you to all the people who signed up for the recurring Supporter Club in the last month. The "big" fundraiser is still in the works, and I'll let you know more when there's more info to share.
New projects:
- caveman2-widgets — Weblocks like widgets for caveman2. — LLGPL
- cl-gamepad — Bindings to libstem_gamepad, allowing the handling of gamepad input. — Artistic
- cl-geos — A CFFI wrapper of GEOS for performing geometric operations in Lisp. — Lisp-LGPL
- cl-hash-table-destructuring — Hash table destructuring utils — WTFPL
- cl-statsd — Statsd client in Common Lisp — MIT
- cl-vhdl — My attempt to understand VHDL, and basicly make VHDL with Lisp-macro — MIT
- electron-tools — Download, extract, and run Electron binaries. — MIT
- flare — Easy particle systems with fine grained control. — Artistic
- inlined-generic-function — MOP implementation of the fast inlinable generic functions dispatched in compile-time — LLGPL
- liblmdb — Low-level LMDB bindings. — MIT
- lmdb — Bindings to LMDB. — MIT
- oclcl — oclcl is a library S-expression to OpenCL C. — LLGPL
- prbs — A library of higher-order functions for generating Pseudo-Random Binary Sequences of (practically) any degree — MIT
- — Common Lisp client — MIT
- random-state — Portable random number generation. — Artistic
- remote-js — Send JavaScript from Common Lisp to a browser. — MIT
- sketch — Sketch is a Common Lisp framework for the creation of electronic art, computer graphics, visual design, game making and more. It is inspired by Processing and OpenFrameworks. — MIT
- tm — Formalized Iteration Library for Common LISP — MIT
- trivial-compress — Compress a directory. — MIT
- trivial-string-template — A trivial string template library, inspired by Python's string.Template — MIT
- trivial-ws — Trivial WebSockets. — MIT
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").
Recovering from a breaking update
The March Quicklisp update has usocket 0.6.4, an update that unfortunately does not build on older versions of SBCL due to IPv6-related symbols. In response, Chun Tian quickly released usocket, which builds fine on older SBCLs.
It's only been a few days since the last Quicklisp dist release, so I'm not going to make a new one just for the usocket problem.
If you're hit by this issue, what can you do?
The best option, if available, is to upgrade to a recent SBCL, which has many new and exciting features and works well with the usocket in the latest Quicklisp release.
If that's not feasible, you can also manually get usocket (or newer) from the usocket download page, unpack it in ~/quicklisp/local-projects/, and go from there.
Finally, you can revert to last month's Quicklisp dist. I first wrote about this in "Going back in (dist) time", but here's a short overview:
In particular, the second element of available-versions will always be the second most-recent Quicklisp dist, so that's generally the one to use if you want to go one dist backward.
(Topic for the future: how better prerelease testing will catch these kinds of problems.)
It's only been a few days since the last Quicklisp dist release, so I'm not going to make a new one just for the usocket problem.
If you're hit by this issue, what can you do?
The best option, if available, is to upgrade to a recent SBCL, which has many new and exciting features and works well with the usocket in the latest Quicklisp release.
If that's not feasible, you can also manually get usocket (or newer) from the usocket download page, unpack it in ~/quicklisp/local-projects/, and go from there.
Finally, you can revert to last month's Quicklisp dist. I first wrote about this in "Going back in (dist) time", but here's a short overview:
* (in-package :ql-dist-user) * (second (available-versions (dist "quicklisp"))) ("2016-02-08" . "") * (install-dist (cdr *) :replace t :prompt nil) lots of output
In particular, the second element of available-versions will always be the second most-recent Quicklisp dist, so that's generally the one to use if you want to go one dist backward.
(Topic for the future: how better prerelease testing will catch these kinds of problems.)
March 2016 Quicklisp dist update now available
This update, Quicklisp's 66th, is brought to you by me! I've been fortunate to have Clozure sponsor a lot of Quicklisp work in the past, but now I'm self-employed. Working on Quicklisp takes time. In April, I'm going to try to raise a lump sum of money so I can work on a number of get-out-of-beta features, like better download security, provenance info, a manual, etc. Beyond that onetime fundraising, I'd like to enlist more regular monthly supporters for funding ongoing dist updates and maintenance. Do you think Quicklisp is worth it? I'm looking forward to finding out shortly.
If you have any feedback on fundraising, feel free to get in touch.
Back to your regularly scheduled update announcement...
New projects:
Removed projects: buffalo (disappeared from github), cl-fgraph (per author's request), cl-quakeinfo (no longer builds on non-Allegro).
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").
If you have any feedback on fundraising, feel free to get in touch.
Back to your regularly scheduled update announcement...
New projects:
- agm — A high-performance game math library. — MIT
- cepl — Fast lispy way to work with OpenGL — BSD 2 Clause
- — A camera implementation for CEPL — BSD 2 Clause
- cepl.devil — A couple of helper functions to load from devil straight to cepl c-arrays or textures — BSD 2 Clause
- cepl.sdl2 — SDL2 host for cepl — BSD 2 Clause
- cepl.skitter — Plumbing to use skitter with cepl — BSD 2 Clause
- cl-bunny — Common Lisp RabbitMQ client based on IOLib — MIT
- cl-iterative — Generic iterative algorithm with multiple controls — LGPLv3
- cl-llvm — CFFI bindings to the LLVM libraries. — MIT
- cl-ohm — An object-hash mapping for Redis in Common Lisp — MIT
- cl-sdl2-image — Bindings for sdl2_image using autowrap — MIT
- cl-strings — A set of utilities for manipulating strings in CL. — MIT
- cl-tetris3d — Yet another 3D Tetris clone — MIT (also see COPYING file for details)
- cl-wordcut — Word segmentation tools for ASEAN languages written in Common Lisp — LLGPL
- cl-zmq — Zero MQ 3 bindings — LGPLv3
- dartsclemailaddress — Parsing and formatting email addresses (RFC 5322 compliant) — MIT
- dendrite — Master package for all dendrite packages — BSD 2 Clause
- documentation-utils — A few simple tools to help you with documenting your library. — Artistic
- file-local-variable — File-local variable independent from ASDF — LLGPL
- hu.dwim.bluez — Common Lisp FFI wrapper for libbluetooth, aka Bluez, which is a Linux Bluetooth stack. — BSD or Bugroff
- hu.dwim.sdl — Common Lisp FFI wrapper for libSDL2. — BSD or Bugroff
- lambda-gtk — Unspecified — LLGPL
- legit — CL interface to the GIT binary. — Artistic
- livesupport — Some helpers that make livecoding with slime/sly a little easier — BSD 2 Clause
- magicffi — cffi interface to libmagic(3) — Simplified BSD License
- mito — Abstraction layer for DB schema — LLGPL
- mito-attachment — Mito mixin class for file management — LLGPL
- mito-auth — User authorization for Mito classes — LLGPL
- north — oAuth 1.0a server and client implementation, the successor to South. — Artistic
- org-sampler — Extract docstrings as Emacs org-mode files — LLGPL 3.latest
- perfpiece — CL:TIME on steroids. — MIT
- rt-events — A simple real-time events API. — MIT
- skitter — An event system for games — BSD 2 Clause
- snark — The Snark Theorem Prover — MPL 1.1, see file LICENSE
- trivialib.bdd — BDD and ZDD implementation using Trivia — LLGPL
- what3words — Describe what3words here — BSD
Removed projects: buffalo (disappeared from github), cl-fgraph (per author's request), cl-quakeinfo (no longer builds on non-Allegro).
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").
February 2016 Quicklisp download stats
Here are the top 100 downloads by raw download count.
5607 alexandria 4586 cl-ppcre 4388 trivial-features 4119 babel 3369 split-sequence 3332 bordeaux-threads 3268 cl+ssl 3243 cffi 3208 anaphora 2725 closer-mop 2692 trivial-gray-streams 2635 trivial-garbage 2620 let-plus 2551 flexi-streams 2524 usocket 2515 cl-fad 2491 cl-colors 2382 cl-base64 2318 prove 2286 cl-ansi-text 2255 cl-utilities 2238 quri 2218 chunga 2203 local-time 2140 cl-html-parse 2113 puri 2102 iterate 1956 chipz 1873 nibbles 1871 drakma 1799 named-readtables 1763 ironclad 1612 cl-interpol 1551 md5 1520 trivial-backtrace 1517 cl-unicode 1418 slime 1343 lack 1336 clack 1330 trivial-types 1309 cl-annot 1295 cl-syntax 1208 fast-io 1161 trivial-utf-8 1134 salza2 1114 cl-json 1104 proc-parse 1092 static-vectors 1053 hunchentoot 992 rfc2388 990 jonathan 981 parse-number 965 cl-mysql 957 fast-http 916 clx 911 uiop 903 xsubseq 875 metabang-bind 865 clsql 836 smart-buffer 835 ieee-floats 829 lparallel 825 osicat 802 postmodern 770 closure-common 766 quicklisp-slime-helper 759 cxml 753 log4cl 699 optima 686 uuid 679 mcclim 672 array-utils 645 cl-reexport 644 cl-sqlite 633 trivial-indent 631 zpng 615 http-body 611 yason 609 fiveam 605 trivial-mimes 602 plump 589 swap-bytes 523 symbol-munger 512 cl-containers 505 cl-yacc 502 ningle 501 vom 501 simple-date-time 498 map-set 494 myway 490 lisp-unit 483 lquery 479 dexador 476 asdf-system-connections 473 cl-cookie 470 function-cache 466 cl-csv 466 iolib 466 metatilities-base 464 cl-dbi
Quicklisp client update available with proxy fix
A recent update to the Quicklisp client program broke proxy support. Instead of a successful download, it would stop with the error Unexpected HTTP status for <url>: 400.
If you use a proxy, you unfortunately can't get the fix with the normal (ql:update-client) command. You have to install fresh from quicklisp.lisp again. If you have anything in your local-projects directory, save it, then remove your old ~/quicklisp directory prior to installation.
Sorry about the hassle, and please report any new bugs you find in the client. Thanks!
If you use a proxy, you unfortunately can't get the fix with the normal (ql:update-client) command. You have to install fresh from quicklisp.lisp again. If you have anything in your local-projects directory, save it, then remove your old ~/quicklisp directory prior to installation.
Sorry about the hassle, and please report any new bugs you find in the client. Thanks!
February 2016 Quicklisp dist update now available
New projects:
Removed projects: cl-llvm, cl-popen, cl-v4l2, cl-zmq, hdf5-cffi, lambda-gtk, magicffi, perfpiece, sqnc.
These projects were removed because I now use Debian 8 for testing, and I have been completely unable to get them to build. If you know quick and easy ways to get any of them to build on Debian 8, let me know, and I'll get them back into Quicklisp.
- acclimation — Library supporting internationalization — FreeBSD, see file LICENSE.text
- asdf-manager — Download and manage ASDF versions. — MIT
- cl-events — Events for Common Lisp — MIT
- cl-freeimage — Bindings to the freeimage library. — MIT
- cl-graylog — Common Lisp Graylog client library — Unspecified
- cl-jsx — JSX in Common Lisp — MIT
- cl-ode — Describe cl-ode here — Specify license here
- cl-pango — Bindings to the pango text layout library. — MIT
- cl-sdl2-ttf — A common lisp wrapper for SDL2_TTF used for loading fonts and creating text assets — Unspecified
- cl-tasukete — Please help me, Common Lisper. — MIT
- cl-weather-jp — Get weather in Japan — BSD 2-Clause
- copy-directory — Copy a directory. — MIT
- deeds — Deeds Extensible Event Delivery System — Artistic
- disposable — Dispose function and with-disposable macro — BSD 2 Clause
- id3v2 — ID3v2 parser — BSD 2-Clause
- lass-flexbox — Flexbox for Lass. — MIT
- mp3-duration — Get the duration of an MP3 file — BSD 2-Clause
- mystic — A project skeleton generator. — MIT
- path-parse — Parse the PATH environment variable, portably. — MIT
- pathname-utils — A collection of utilities for pathname manipulation. — Artistic
- psychiq — Redis-backed job queueing system — LLGPL
- quux-hunchentoot — Thread pooling for hunchentoot — MIT
- rtg-math — A selection of the math routines most commonly needed for realtime graphics in lisp — BSD 2 Clause
- safe-queue — Thread-safe queue and mailbox — MIT
- structy-defclass — Provides deftclass, a struct-like way of defining classes — BSD 2 Clause
- — Some helpers that make live coding with slime/swank easier — BSD 2 Clause
- trivial-msi — Utilities for working with Microsoft MSI files. — MIT
- which — The which UNIX command in Common Lisp. — MIT
Removed projects: cl-llvm, cl-popen, cl-v4l2, cl-zmq, hdf5-cffi, lambda-gtk, magicffi, perfpiece, sqnc.
These projects were removed because I now use Debian 8 for testing, and I have been completely unable to get them to build. If you know quick and easy ways to get any of them to build on Debian 8, let me know, and I'll get them back into Quicklisp.
New Quicklisp client available
I've updated the Quicklisp client to version 2016-01-21. There are a few new things:
- Fix for issue #116, so"asdf" is now ignored as a system to be bundled instead of signaling an error. Thanks to Dimitri Fontaine for inspiration and some code for fixing this.
- Merged pull request #127, which has some small fixes courtesy of Attila Lendvai
- Merged pull request #124, which adds recognition of URL schemes to fetching, and a special variable to control what function is used for what scheme. This feature moves Quicklisp closer to out-of-beta; many thanks to SANO Masatoshi for contributing it.
To get this update, use (ql:update-client) and restart your session.