1971 alexandria 1642 cffi 1546 babel 1523 trivial-features 1319 trivial-gray-streams 1274 slime 1259 cl-ppcre 1218 trivial-garbage 1144 cl+ssl 1058 bordeaux-threads 972 usocket 970 flexi-streams 933 cl-fad 883 chunga 806 md5 794 cl-base64 766 quicklisp-slime-helper 756 closer-mop 711 hunchentoot 653 drakma 619 rfc2388 590 nibbles 579 iterate 530 ironclad 524 clsql 523 puri 499 trivial-backtrace 447 uffi 424 cl-who 403 split-sequence 330 anaphora 322 named-readtables 319 salza2 315 lispbuilder 296 metabang-bind 295 cl-vectors 293 uuid 286 clack 285 postmodern 284 cl-opengl 280 local-time 268 trivial-utf-8 261 clx 258 zpng 244 cl-json 236 cl-smtp 231 fare-utils 226 zpb-ttf 225 parse-number 224 cl-clon 223 gbbopen 221 yason 221 restas 218 vecto 216 cl-cairo2 208 cl-closure-template 190 weblocks 189 parenscript 189 cl-annot 188 osicat 188 cxml 183 closure-common 181 optima 176 trivial-shell 173 lparallel 172 esrap 171 clfswm 169 cl-unicode 169 cl-syntax 169 cl-csv 166 html-template 161 trivial-types 159 lisp-unit 158 commonqt 153 metatilities-base 152 let-plus 151 bknr-datastore 150 mcclim 150 hu.dwim.asdf 149 cl-routes 147 portableaserve 146 contextl 146 cl-store 143 com.informatimago 139 quickproject 139 asdf-system-connections 135 ieee-floats 133 cl-project 130 data-sift 130 cl-marshal 130 caveman 129 linedit 129 gsll 129 antik 128 cl-utilities 127 hu.dwim.util 123 ltk 121 plokami 121 f2cl 120 cl-containers
Top 100 downloads for May, 2013
Here are the top 100 project downloads for May, 2013:
June Quicklisp dist update available
I was lazy busy enough in May that I failed to make a release. Sorry about that. I made the June release on the 15th, but only now got around to announcing it. So, here are the changes:
New projects: big-string, cl-css, cl-curlex, cl-enchant, cl-geoip, cl-performance-tuning-helper, cl-tcod, cl-template, clache, clinch, clite, clobber, delorean, generators, gettext, inner-conditional, lowlight, new-op, petit.package-utils, policy-cond, pretty-function, rectangle-packing, stmx, track-best, treedb, utilities.print-items, weblocks-stores, weblocks-utils.
Updated projects: 3bmd, antik, array-operations, asdf-finalizers, asdf-project-helper, backports, binary-types, bordeaux-threads, buildnode, cffi, chronicity, cl-6502, cl-algebraic-data-type, cl-async, cl-async-future, cl-cairo2, cl-data-format-validation, cl-dbi, cl-decimals, cl-dot, cl-freetype2, cl-general-accumulator, cl-geocode, cl-glfw, cl-gss, cl-html5-parser, cl-iconv, cl-libxml2, cl-murmurhash, cl-num-utils, cl-openal, cl-prime-maker, cl-protobufs, cl-quakeinfo, cl-rrt, cl-seek-project, cl-selenium, cl-skip-list, cl-slice, cl-tulip-graph, clack, clfswm, closer-mop, clpython, clsql-orm, coleslaw, colorize, com.informatimago, commonqt, css-selectors, dartsclhashtree, defmacro-enhance, djula, doplus, dynamic-collect, fare-mop, fare-utils, fiveam, gbbopen, gendl, gsll, http-parse, hu.dwim.delico, hu.dwim.util, hu.dwim.walker, hunchentoot, intercom, lisp-gflags, lisp-interface-library, lisp-unit, lla, local-time, log4cl, lparallel, make-hash, message-oo, mime4cl, montezuma, more-conditions, mtlisp, optima, pzmq, query-fs, rfc2109, romreader, sclf, sip-hash, slime, spinneret, stp-query, stringprep, toadstool, uiop, weblocks, yaclanapht.
New projects: big-string, cl-css, cl-curlex, cl-enchant, cl-geoip, cl-performance-tuning-helper, cl-tcod, cl-template, clache, clinch, clite, clobber, delorean, generators, gettext, inner-conditional, lowlight, new-op, petit.package-utils, policy-cond, pretty-function, rectangle-packing, stmx, track-best, treedb, utilities.print-items, weblocks-stores, weblocks-utils.
Updated projects: 3bmd, antik, array-operations, asdf-finalizers, asdf-project-helper, backports, binary-types, bordeaux-threads, buildnode, cffi, chronicity, cl-6502, cl-algebraic-data-type, cl-async, cl-async-future, cl-cairo2, cl-data-format-validation, cl-dbi, cl-decimals, cl-dot, cl-freetype2, cl-general-accumulator, cl-geocode, cl-glfw, cl-gss, cl-html5-parser, cl-iconv, cl-libxml2, cl-murmurhash, cl-num-utils, cl-openal, cl-prime-maker, cl-protobufs, cl-quakeinfo, cl-rrt, cl-seek-project, cl-selenium, cl-skip-list, cl-slice, cl-tulip-graph, clack, clfswm, closer-mop, clpython, clsql-orm, coleslaw, colorize, com.informatimago, commonqt, css-selectors, dartsclhashtree, defmacro-enhance, djula, doplus, dynamic-collect, fare-mop, fare-utils, fiveam, gbbopen, gendl, gsll, http-parse, hu.dwim.delico, hu.dwim.util, hu.dwim.walker, hunchentoot, intercom, lisp-gflags, lisp-interface-library, lisp-unit, lla, local-time, log4cl, lparallel, make-hash, message-oo, mime4cl, montezuma, more-conditions, mtlisp, optima, pzmq, query-fs, rfc2109, romreader, sclf, sip-hash, slime, spinneret, stp-query, stringprep, toadstool, uiop, weblocks, yaclanapht.
To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").
If this update breaks any of your software, see Going back in (dist) time.