What's new in Quicklisp this month?
Lisp hero Ben Hyde has done me a big favor and summarized what the new projects in Quicklisp this month are all about.
April 2013 Quicklisp dist update now available
New projects: cl-arff-parser, cl-bayesnet, cl-libpuzzle, cl-one-time-passwords, cl-rrt, cl-secure-read, function-cache, gendl, sha3, trivial-raw-io, yaclanapht.
Updated projects: access, asdf-finalizers, binary-types, binomial-heap, bk-tree, bknr-datastore, buildnode, caramel, cffi, chunga, city-hash, cl+ssl, cl-6502, cl-async, cl-async-future, cl-base32, cl-cairo2, cl-closure-template, cl-csv, cl-decimals, cl-erlang-term, cl-factoring, cl-general-accumulator, cl-gss, cl-i18n, cl-inotify, cl-l10n, cl-libevent2, cl-libxml2, cl-murmurhash, cl-mustache, cl-oauth, cl-pdf, cl-ppcre, cl-protobufs, cl-random, cl-sanitize, cl-seek-project, cl-slice, cl-store, cl-typesetting, clack, cleric, clfswm, closer-mop, clpython, clsql, clsql-helper, codata-recommended-values, coleslaw, collectors, com.google.base, common-lisp-stat, commonqt, css-selectors, doplus, drakma, elf, esrap, f2cl, gbbopen, green-threads, gtk-cffi, ht-simple-ajax, hu.dwim.computed-class, hunchentoot, hyperobject, inotify, kmrcl, lfarm, lift, lisp-interface-library, lisp-unit, lla, log4cl, lparallel, mgl, more-conditions, optima, patron, periods, pileup, plokami, portableaserve, postmodern, rcl, repl-utilities, restas, sb-fastcgi, single-threaded-ccl, sip-hash, slime, temporary-file, trivial-gray-streams, trivial-ldap, twfy, uiop, umlisp, weblocks, xml.location.
Removed projects: genworks-gdl (renamed to "gendl"), printf (depends on smug), pubmed (repo gone), smug (withdrawn per maintainer request).
Updates coming soon
I hope to make a new dist update tomorrow, the 7th of April. In general, I like to make new releases on the first weekend of every month.
I haven't been announcing the past few updates because I wanted to take advantage of a new web service to do so. But development on that service has stalled, so I'll announce tomorrow's update as I usually do.
On an unrelated topic, if you're making a new library that's a CFFI wrapper around a C library, please explain in your README or description what the original C library is for. I've seen a lot of libraries lately that look like this: "This is cl-fribble, a CL wrapper around libfribble." But there's no indication of what libfribble does or why someone would want to use a CL wrapper for it.
I haven't been announcing the past few updates because I wanted to take advantage of a new web service to do so. But development on that service has stalled, so I'll announce tomorrow's update as I usually do.
On an unrelated topic, if you're making a new library that's a CFFI wrapper around a C library, please explain in your README or description what the original C library is for. I've seen a lot of libraries lately that look like this: "This is cl-fribble, a CL wrapper around libfribble." But there's no indication of what libfribble does or why someone would want to use a CL wrapper for it.