1950 alexandria 1203 slime 1126 cl+ssl 1033 babel 936 usocket 907 trivial-features 904 rfc2388 902 bordeaux-threads 899 hunchentoot 889 cffi 849 trivial-garbage 828 closer-mop 820 trivial-gray-streams 789 cl-ppcre 703 flexi-streams 665 cl-fad 620 iterate 612 cl-base64 591 quicklisp-slime-helper 579 chunga 499 puri 488 md5 480 trivial-backtrace 470 drakma 426 split-sequence 412 metatilities-base 365 anaphora 340 cl-who 327 fare-utils 313 salza2 297 cl-json 292 metabang-bind 280 uffi 273 named-readtables 257 clsql 242 parenscript 237 zpb-ttf 230 asdf-system-connections 227 zpng 210 postmodern 208 fare-matcher 201 cl-vectors 200 ironclad 196 vecto 190 cl-opengl 189 clx 182 arnesi 169 osicat 168 parse-number 167 cl-containersThis report only shows "raw" download figures. It does not distinguish between projects downloaded directly by user request and projects downloaded automatically as dependencies.
Project download stats for November
Here are some stats for the top 50 project downloads in November:
December Quicklisp dist update now available
There's a new Quicklisp dist update for December. You can get it by evaluating (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Here's the breakdown of the changes this month:
New projects: access, cl-adt, cl-fluidinfo, cl-inotify, cl-kyoto-cabinet, cl-locale, cl-marshal, cl-package-locks, cl-string-complete, de.setf.wilbur, lambda-reader, lhstats, macroexpand-dammit, manifest, monkeylib-html, monkeylib-text-languages, monkeylib-text-output, myweb, pal, perfpiece, toot.
Updated projects: able, alexandria, buildapp, caveman, cl-annot, cl-anonfun, cl-closure-template, cl-csv, cl-data-format-validation, cl-generic-arithmetic, cl-mongo, cl-num-utils, cl-odesk, cl-random, cl-rcfiles, cl-redis, cl-sanitize, cl-syntax, cl-tk, clack, closer-mop, clsql, clx, com.google.base, data-table, doplus, exscribe, f2cl, fare-csv, fare-matcher, fare-mop, fare-utils, folio, fset, gbbopen, hu.dwim.syntax-sugar, hunchentoot, idna, let-plus, linedit, lisp-gflags, lla, lparallel, meta, misc-extensions, monkeylib-binary-data, monkeylib-foo, monkeylib-macro-utilities, monkeylib-markup, monkeylib-markup-html, monkeylib-pathnames, monkeylib-prose-diff, monkeylib-utilities, opticl, parenscript-classic, parse-js, place-utils, postmodern, protobuf, quickproject, restas, rutils, salza2, scribble, skippy, st-json, static-vectors, talcl, trivial-types, vecto, wu-decimal, wuwei, xcvb, yason, zcdb, zpb-exif, zpb-ttf, zpng, zs3.
Removed projects: ch-util, clg, loopless, weblocks.
New projects: access, cl-adt, cl-fluidinfo, cl-inotify, cl-kyoto-cabinet, cl-locale, cl-marshal, cl-package-locks, cl-string-complete, de.setf.wilbur, lambda-reader, lhstats, macroexpand-dammit, manifest, monkeylib-html, monkeylib-text-languages, monkeylib-text-output, myweb, pal, perfpiece, toot.
Updated projects: able, alexandria, buildapp, caveman, cl-annot, cl-anonfun, cl-closure-template, cl-csv, cl-data-format-validation, cl-generic-arithmetic, cl-mongo, cl-num-utils, cl-odesk, cl-random, cl-rcfiles, cl-redis, cl-sanitize, cl-syntax, cl-tk, clack, closer-mop, clsql, clx, com.google.base, data-table, doplus, exscribe, f2cl, fare-csv, fare-matcher, fare-mop, fare-utils, folio, fset, gbbopen, hu.dwim.syntax-sugar, hunchentoot, idna, let-plus, linedit, lisp-gflags, lla, lparallel, meta, misc-extensions, monkeylib-binary-data, monkeylib-foo, monkeylib-macro-utilities, monkeylib-markup, monkeylib-markup-html, monkeylib-pathnames, monkeylib-prose-diff, monkeylib-utilities, opticl, parenscript-classic, parse-js, place-utils, postmodern, protobuf, quickproject, restas, rutils, salza2, scribble, skippy, st-json, static-vectors, talcl, trivial-types, vecto, wu-decimal, wuwei, xcvb, yason, zcdb, zpb-exif, zpb-ttf, zpng, zs3.
Removed projects: ch-util, clg, loopless, weblocks.
A bit more on a few of the removed projects: ch-util is Cyrus Harmon's personal utilities library. He updated his other projects to use Alexandria instead. That means there are now only 12 personal utility libraries in Quicklisp instead of 13. That's a trend I hope to see continue. clg is a binding to Gtk+, but in fact it never quite built, and this month I took it out entirely. loopless was removed at the request of the author. And weblocks no longer builds with Hunchentoot 1.2.x. Despite several days of trying to find someone, anyone to comment on how it might get fixed, I didn't hear any feedback. Here's hoping it's just a temporary communication breakdown and weblocks will be available in some future Quicklisp dist update.
I did not include the very latest version of SLIME from CVS this month. There were major changes in SLIME's communication mechanism this month, and there was a flurry of activity just before today's release, and I didn't want to risk bundling it up at a bad time.
If you have any comments, questions, or other feedback, please feel free to email me or discuss it on the Quicklisp mailing list.
Hunchentoot and Weblocks
Hunchentoot development has picked up after a lengthy hiatus, and some of the recent changes have affected other projects. For the most part, projects have been adapted to work, but there's a big exception: Weblocks.
Weblocks does not build with Hunchentoot 1.2.2 because it references hunchentoot:*default-handler*, which doesn't exist any more. I reported the problem on the mailing list, but haven't gotten a response yet.
Do you use Weblocks? Can you help adapt it to the new Hunchentoot? If it isn't updated sometime soon, I won't be able to include it in Quicklisp in the future. (You can always go back in time, if you have to.)
Weblocks does not build with Hunchentoot 1.2.2 because it references hunchentoot:*default-handler*, which doesn't exist any more. I reported the problem on the mailing list, but haven't gotten a response yet.
Do you use Weblocks? Can you help adapt it to the new Hunchentoot? If it isn't updated sometime soon, I won't be able to include it in Quicklisp in the future. (You can always go back in time, if you have to.)